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Shadowed Desire The Unwanted Mate

Shadowed Desire The Unwanted Mate

Arong Priscilia


Ava, the only Omega in her family, faced mistreatment from her own family from a young age due to her weakness. After being driven away from home and facing attempts on her life, she stumbled upon another pack where she unexpectedly found her destined mate - only to be rejected by him. Now, she must strive to find her place in a pack where she isn't welcome while facing the obstacles of a prophecy that seems determined to hold her back. Will she be able to prove herself and find her place, or will the prophecy continue to hinder her progress?

Chapter 1 I've been waiting for you

The moon hung heavy in the night sky, casting its silver glow over the dense forest below. Ava’s heart raced as she ran through the woods, the crisp autumn air stinging her lungs.

She could feel the wildness of the forest pulsing around her, calling to something deep within her soul. As she sprinted deeper into the heart of the forest, the shadows seemed to grow thicker, twisting and contorting like living creatures. But Ava was undeterred.

A vital force dragged her forward, leading her to a destiny she did not yet understand. Suddenly she came across a clearing covered in moonlight.

There stood a majestic wolf; its fur was a mixture of midnight black and shimmering silver. Her eyes, pools of warm liquid, locked with Ava’s and she felt a familiar shock course through her body. Without hesitation, Ava approached the magnificent animal; Her hands were together with excitement and fear.

As she drew closer, she could sense the power emanating from the wolf, a power that seemed to resonate with her very essence. But just as Ava reached out to touch the wolf, it vanished into thin air, leaving her standing alone in the moonlit clearing.

Confusion and disappointment flooded her, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Suddenly, a voice shattered the silence, echoing through the trees like a thunderclap. “Ava.” Startled, Ava whirled around to see a figure emerging from the shadows.

Tall and imposing, he has sharp blue eyes that seem to see into his soul. She instinctively knew that he was the leader of the nearby pack. As she approached the it, she felt a strange magnetic force pulling her towards him, he was pulling her into his circle even as the alarm was going off in her head.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” he said, his voice low and hypnotic. Ava’s heart was pounding as she tried to make sense of the thoughts that were wracking her.

Part of her wanted to run, to flee from this enigmatic stranger and the dangerous world he represented. But another part of her, a part she could barely acknowledge, longed to stay and explore the forbidden depths of desire that simmered between them.

With a mixture of fear and longing coursing through her veins, Ava took a hesitant step forward, knowing that her life would never be the same again.

As her hand reached out to make contact, she was jolted awake by a sudden drenching sensation, accompanied by a harsh voice piercing through her slumber. “Rise and shine, lazybones! There’s work to be done, so quit lounging around like a sloth.”

Ava woke up gasping for air. She felt annoyed. “Why won’t this woman wake her up in a normal way? Always using this brutal way to wake her up, as if she’s not human Or even wait a little longer so that she can finish dreaming about this Alpha that has been coming to her dream,” she thought to herself.

While struggling to stand up, she greeted, “Good morning, mom.” “What’s good about the morning, Ava?” her mom asked her. “Will you just keep standing there or get ready to go to Alpha Tristan’s house to work? And don’t mess around. You know one of your sisters is going to end up marrying him in the future.

Work as if you don’t exist and don’t let him see you.” Alpha Tristan is the Alpha of their pack. He is popularly known for his womanizing character, pride, and his looks. He might look strong because of his body build, but he’s no less than a fool. “That good-for-nothing Alpha,” Ava murmured as she rolled her eyes.

“Okay, mom, let me take a shower now. I will be right back,” Ava replied.

“In fact, what are you getting ready for? Just go there with what you are putting on right now, or are you planning to go and seduce someone there? Remember, you are going there to work,” Ava’s mom asked her.

“But, mom, I have not even taken my bath yet,” Ava said.

With a very angry voice, Ava’s mom’s voice thundered as she raised her hands to slap Ava, “Are you trying to argue with me, you little brat?” Before her hands could touch Ava’s face, a loud sound was heard from upstairs followed by a tiny, terrible voice, making Ava’s mom retract her hands.

She immediately walked out of Ava’s room. She didn’t forget to tell Ava that if she didn’t go to Alpha Tristan’s house like this, she would be seriously dealt with by her.

This isn’t a room, it’s a small store that was turned into a room, and God knows how long she’s been living there. When she saw she mother leaving the room, As tears flowed and she squatted down.

“How could this life hurt her? The people who hurt her the most are the people she calls family.” Even her mother, who was supposed to love her, treated her like a slave.

Do they treat her like this simply because she’s just a mere Omega? She shouted at last.

Werewolves see Omega's as weak beings. Although Ava was born to wolf parents, She became an omega unlike her sisters who are Werewolfs. She’s 20 years old but hasn’t gotten her wolf form since she turned 8. Her parents got tired of her, so they made her work.

Ava stood up and wiped her tears before leaving her room and walking towards Alpha Tristan’s house. She’s already tired of the chaos at home.

Ava hailed a taxi and arrived at the imposing gates of Alpha Tristan’s mansion.

She provided her information to the gatekeeper and informed him that she had come for work. He then granted her entry, complimenting her beauty as she passed through the gates.

Walking through the fancy halls, Ava felt worried seeing other servants rushing around. They looked tired and sad, showing how tough life was in Alpha Tristan’s house, with the relentless demands of their aristocratic masters weighing heavily upon them.

Ava felt really sad when she saw something bad happening. In a quiet part of the big house, a young servant looked scared as a fancy-dressed woman yelled at them. Then, the woman hit the servant hard, making a loud noise that filled the hallway.

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