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In love with the bad boy

Chapter 5 Do you love Chloe

Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

laughing like a crazy psycho, w

she saw Damie

he rushed t

e asked, trying to touch his wou

I am fine" He s

acting weird"


ien I used to know. Chloe was here a few minu

al. It's be nice, if she kick me again"

ace and you want her to do it a

u're just my secretary, so s

eing concern

on't have anything useful to say,

ts you need to sign" She dr

an signing on the document, and while he was at

kes hi

that he is, has already h

lady that willingly

ng her the documents after

free tonigh

cent asked

r" Candy said in a low voice, gi

her message, and he

d. "I am not interested. From now o

es the

ect my body? Since when?" She asked her



nd sees Brian at home, set

during the afternoons, cuz he wa

to work today

you lunch, let's eat

in and ch

hing cosy. In the next minute, he was sitting

ou li

ook" James replied, but Brian no

school today? You look sa


rse not

he sad face" Bria

u love

ames .The heavens knows I love

t you to be

roken? Chloe and I lo

hat she will do all she can to make sure you don't end up with her

t an end to the relationship I have with Chloe, is either me or

you to be h

by my side, I don't need any luxury"

n't you at

rian answe


so well, which means I will be able to provide anything

o get marri

p lot of money so that I can give her a grand wedding, and a com

nned out with Chloe. I'

, you should eat, the food is getting cold" H

enth time, as he waited pat

ince forever, and there wasn'

many times, but she

a's apartment, cuz she change

ht by Vinson, including her a

h and he can't say NO to

ol days, and Vinson could vividly remember the effo

for Maya when she dro

a net gown that was revealing the b

wearing, Maya?" He as

ee, I'm putti

is exposed" He said. He wasn't even shou

t I should and shouldn't w

nd, maya" Vinson s

like, huh? Should we just break up so that I can have peace of

hat you wear. Don't think about breaki

fore your friends will

feet and hugged her.

er eyes, and

waited for you inside, but you

ed my own privacy. Do you


our phone?" He a


the three milli

her purse, she checked her phone

e giving me the money?" Vinson s

, it won't

on. I had a long da

ss? I waited for you for

before entering the house. She didn't

smiled. No doubt, he is f

ot a text message from Chelsea s

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