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Tangled Hearts : A Contract Marriage Tale

Tangled Hearts : A Contract Marriage Tale


Chapter 1 The Arrangement

Word Count: 904    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

w of her father's office, her gaze fixed on the bustling streets below. Though the view was familiar, tonight i

locks of golden blonde hair that tumbled like spun silk down her slender shoulders and eyes as captivating as the az

om within, casting a luminous halo around her delicate features. High cheekbones, dusted with a hint of rose, lent her count

path. Under her flawless exterior lay a spirit as luminous as the morning sun, filled with k

others to her like moths to a flame. Her presence, like a beacon of light in the darkness

the enduring power of grace, elegance, and inner beauty. And as she moved through life with quiet confidence and poise, she left an in

een a titan of industry, his name synonymous with success and wealth. But as Ava watched the sun sink lower, painting

he lines of worry etched into his brow. "Ava, we need to talk," he said

nstrict with the weight of their predicament. She had known that their finances were

oom, his presence commanding attention. Ethan was a formidable figure in the business world, with a reput

h cool calculation. "I've been reviewing the financial reports, and it's cl

lly have a solution to their seemingly insurmountable pro

otion. "Ava, you marry me, and I'll inject enough capital into the compa

a seemed absurd and unthinkable. But as she looked into her father's eyes, she

proposal. On one hand, the marriage could save her family's company, preserve her father's legacy, and secure their financial futu

's voice cut through the turmoil in her mind. "

her dad voiced over her and said, My daughter, we are still paying for the $55k that we borrowed over the last three months, and we are still struggling to settle the debt. Now this is the only means that we use to secure


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