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Luna of the Two Alphas: The Tales Of Rejection

Chapter 43 The Sacrifice Accepted

Word Count: 2014    |    Released on: 09/07/2024

Miguel stood in the middle of a clearing, his pack gathered ar

, her voice shaking. She held Miguel

His face was se

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1 Chapter 1 The Razor's Edge2 Chapter 2 The Defiant Captive.3 Chapter 3 The Pageantry of Desire4 Chapter 4 The Goddess's Influence 5 Chapter 5 Darkness Unveiled6 Chapter 6 The Alpha's Defiance7 Chapter 7 The Elder's Warning8 Chapter 8 The Dream Weaver9 Chapter 9 The Rival's Wrath10 Chapter 10 The Mistaken Mate11 Chapter 11 The Mistaken Mate12 Chapter 12 Attempt To Rescue Elena13 Chapter 13 The Goddess's Bargain14 Chapter 14 The Pack's Unrest15 Chapter 15 The Forbidden Romance16 Chapter 16 The Rival's Ultimatum17 Chapter 17 The Spiritual Realm18 Chapter 18 The Virginity Unveiled19 Chapter 19 The Goddess's Wrath20 Chapter 20 The Divided Loyalties21 Chapter 21 The Sacrifice Demanded22 Chapter 22 The Fateful Choice23 Chapter 23 The Exiled Mate24 Chapter 24 The Preordained Union25 Chapter 25 The Divided Pack26 Chapter 26 The Spiritual Intervention27 Chapter 27 The Revelation of Betrayal28 Chapter 28 The Goddess's Bargain Renewed29 Chapter 29 The Defiant Choice30 Chapter 30 The Rift Deepens31 Chapter 31 The More Fierce Spiritual Journey32 Chapter 32 The Shifting Allegiances33 Chapter 33 The Betrayal Within34 Chapter 34 The Dream Manipulation35 Chapter 35 The Lunar Eclipse36 Chapter 36 The Unlikely Alliance37 Chapter 37 The Ritual of Purification38 Chapter 38 The Torn Mate39 Chapter 39 The Reckoning40 Chapter 40 The Reckoning Continues41 Chapter 41 The Spiritual Crossroads42 Chapter 42 The Shifting Tides43 Chapter 43 The Sacrifice Accepted44 Chapter 44 The Ritual Consequences45 Chapter 45 The Rival's Vengeance46 Chapter 46 The Divided Loyalties Resolved47 Chapter 47 The Goddess's Manipulation Unveiled48 Chapter 48 The Cosmic Convergence49 Chapter 49 The Prophecy Revealed50 Chapter 50 The Shifting Allegiances51 Chapter 51 The Spiritual Battleground52 Chapter 52 The Ultimate Sacrifice53 Chapter 53 The Turning Tide54 Chapter 54 The Prophecy's Heir55 Chapter 55 The Betrayal From Within56 Chapter 56  The Spiritual Rift57 Chapter 57 The Divided Front58 Chapter 58 The Heir's Awakening59 Chapter 59 The Destined Betrayal60 Chapter 60 The Spiritual Convergence61 Chapter 61 The Heir's Sacrifice62 Chapter 62 The Turning Point63 Chapter 63 The Unlikely Ally64 Chapter 64 The Divided House65 Chapter 65 The Spiritual Incursion66 Chapter 66 The Heir Reborn