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Where Love and Danger Lie

Chapter 3 The First Truth

Word Count: 2441    |    Released on: 30/05/2024

ng at the hands of these people, I knew to be on my guard so I simply "accidentally" kicked her. Sally grabbed her leg and started gingerly rubbing it. She looked up at me and shouted,

he "weirdo" and he was never quite able to live that down. This being evident when Sally turned around to chide him, "That's rich. Didn't you say you'd get with her weirdo lover." At this moment Mr. Jenkins, the History teacher, came walking up to me, "Ms. Batiste is there a problem here?" Mr. Jenkins and the principal Mrs. Kemp were the only ones in this town who ever showed me any sort of care and compassion. This never went over well amongst the parents who felt that I bullied their children when I decided to fight back. I turned to smile at Mr. Jenkins, "No sir, I was ju

uessed her nickname was Scarlet. She smiled at me, "Alexandra I presume? I am Vanessa Tannen, I'm in charge of the catering and staff for your ceremony. Your parents are so proud of you, I've heard nothing but praises. You know, I met you once when you were a baby. I crafted that gold gauntlet style bracelet you are wearing on your right wrist." I looked up at her in shock, "Then you would know why they make me wear it all the time when I leave the house. Can you tell me why they are so keen on hiding the mark on my wrist?" You could see in Vanessa's eyes the desire to enlighten me but it was quickly replaced with hesitation, "Darling, I don't think it's my place to tell you that. Reggie wouldn't appreciate my telling you more than you should know at this point. I will say that I am ever so protective of you. They chose me as your godmother, you know but for your sake I've had to stay away." Vanessa had a lone tear trail down

g during the graduation ceremony when her intention was to trip me. Mrs. Kemp cleared it up but it took some time to get Mrs. Plinker off her back. By the way, she's threatening to sue us. Also, that blue looks gorgeous on you, you should wear it more often." My mother's eyes turned from anger to fury but I knew that it wasn't directed at me, "Ha! Plinker wouldn't dare mess with us. She'll tuck her little tail between her legs when Reggie threatens to counter sue her for psychological damage her daughter inflicted on you over the years. Character witnesses Mr. Jenkins and Mrs. Kemp should do. You know your daddy would. Anyhow, let's get you in your gown. No time to waste on that trash right now." She turns to Delilah, "Delilah, please bring me her gown." Delilah pulls out a dress that was pure white, it was almost wedding gown like or one a debutant would wear to a ball." I smiled at mother, "That's not exactly my color." My mother smiled back at me, "I know darling but this is the tradition. You have to wear this color." After she smoothed out the dress, she turned to our housekeeper, "Now Delilah, ready the gloves we need to take the bracelet off and get the gloves on quickly." Delilah pulled a small mahogany box with a engraved plate on it with the inscriptio

he locket to find a coat of arms in hues of blue and green with a sword across a heart and perched on the heart was a panther which subconsciously always reminded me of my father. "Now that the guests have arrived, we need to present you," my father looked at me with a mixture of emotions. Pride, glee, melancholy and fear. The last emotion he displayed lingered in my mind. If we are amongst family and friends, why would he be afraid? At that there was a creak at the door as Delilah peered through the door, "Sirs, madam told me to tell you that HE will not be attending tonight. He's busy with important work at Vellum. The other one will not be here either as he is still not permitted to leave Vellum thus, he does not have his crest restored to him." You could see the tension leave my father's shoulders with this news, "I had prayed that we would avoid havin

s an initiation as my official apprentice to become the Duchess of Blackwood and protector of the wood. That is all I will reveal for now." Father led me out of my room my hand tucked into his arm. I was deep in thought from all that he revealed. It all made sense why all the wait staff thought I was a big deal. What I couldn't wrap my brain around is that there was a portal in the forest and why they

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1 Chapter 1 Lonely Girl2 Chapter 2 Before the Party3 Chapter 3 The First Truth4 Chapter 4 The Party5 Chapter 5 Abnormality6 Chapter 6 Revelations7 Chapter 7 The Envoy's Daughter8 Chapter 8 Potential For Danger9 Chapter 9 Vanessa Tannen10 Chapter 10 Mother11 Chapter 11 Unexpected Visitor12 Chapter 12 Suppression13 Chapter 13 Registration14 Chapter 14 In The Study15 Chapter 15 Further Love Of One's World16 Chapter 16 Back To Blackwood17 Chapter 17 I'm Coming Home18 Chapter 18 The Mysterious Headmaster19 Chapter 19 Rules and Procedures20 Chapter 20 The Headmaster's Thoughts21 Chapter 21 To The Manor22 Chapter 22 Talia's Party Part One23 Chapter 23 Talia's Party Part Two24 Chapter 24 Letters from the Brothers25 Chapter 25 Vanessa Visits The King26 Chapter 26 The King's Magical Item27 Chapter 27 The Meeting28 Chapter 28 His First Impression and Her Letter29 Chapter 29 The Move30 Chapter 30 Preparations For The Ball31 Chapter 31 Girl's Day Out32 Chapter 32 The Queen Mother33 Chapter 33 All The Nerves34 Chapter 34 His Grace Presents The Batiste35 Chapter 35 Blood Ritual36 Chapter 36 Exhaustion37 Chapter 37 The King's Day Off38 Chapter 38 The Duke of Mesha39 Chapter 39 Tea For Two40 Chapter 40 The Attempt41 Chapter 41 The King's Scare42 Chapter 42 Recovery43 Chapter 43 The First Day of School44 Chapter 44 Melody Maigny45 Chapter 45 Putting Feelings Into Words46 Chapter 46 Fire47 Chapter 47 Meeting With The Council48 Chapter 48 After A Long Day49 Chapter 49 The Chalshin50 Chapter 50 Just In Time51 Chapter 51 Urgent Meeting With The King52 Chapter 52 The Worry of Her Friends53 Chapter 53 Blinded By Rage54 Chapter 54 Unconscious55 Chapter 55 Eden56 Chapter 56 Battle For Dorothea57 Chapter 57 One Last Ingredient58 Chapter 58 Deep In Thought59 Chapter 59 The Kiss To Cure60 Chapter 60 When I Awaken61 Chapter 61 Aphrodite's Gift62 Chapter 62 Tea Party Parade63 Chapter 63 The Queen's Tea Party64 Chapter 64 Lucien's Anxiety65 Chapter 65 What They Didn't Know66 Chapter 66 Jess67 Chapter 67 Threat68 Chapter 68 Investigation69 Chapter 69 Interview70 Chapter 70 Just For Her71 Chapter 71 Checking In72 Chapter 72 The Plan73 Chapter 73 On Our Merry Way74 Chapter 74 Garden Party75 Chapter 75 Dorothea's Plan76 Chapter 76 Discussion About Bravery77 Chapter 77 A Protective Friend78 Chapter 78 Those We Look Up To79 Chapter 79 Ridicule80 Chapter 80 Absence of Fear81 Chapter 81 Setting The Trap82 Chapter 82 The Family Tree83 Chapter 83 Training Her Fear84 Chapter 84 Facing Fear85 Chapter 85 Questioning Zero86 Chapter 86 A Helping Hand87 Chapter 87 A Small Light In the Darkness88 Chapter 88 Testing Bonds89 Chapter 89 Operation Vanessa90 Chapter 90 The Healing Heart91 Chapter 91 Care of Alexandra92 Chapter 92 The Presentation93 Chapter 93 The Beginning94 Chapter 94 Prey95 Chapter 95 Results96 Chapter 96 What The Future Holds97 Chapter 97 Realization98 Chapter 98 How To Heal A Man99 Chapter 99 Someone Has To Explain100 Chapter 100 Appearance