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Where Love and Danger Lie

Chapter 4 The Party

Word Count: 2582    |    Released on: 30/05/2024

ld against me. I had thought to myself why he wouldn't just come out and give me all the information that I suspect they had for me. Knowing my father, he held back information so th

it was necessary to reveal this or you likely would be standing there dumbfounded. The portal plays integral role in tonight's ceremony as well. The portal to Vellum is an important connection from this world to our native world. You will see." All

w King will appreciate having you back at his side." Father moved along to another face that looked familiar Mrs. Kemp, "Your grace, I would like to thank you for the honor of protecting The Batiste, while she has been a handful at times, I know that it was only protect herself from these-." Father stopped what she had to say but chiming in, "I understand what you are trying to Marie Kampe, like Claude, you were also offered by King Thierry and I am grateful for your service in keeping my daughter safe. That said please understand that I do not cut you off to be rude but Alexandra does not yet know everything about herself. I didn't want her distracted from the task at hand. Please understand." Mrs. Kemp, or rather Mrs. Kampe, curtsied and then nodded,

ot allowed to step foot in Vellum until she became of age. Had you ever wondered why that is?" I didn't know what to make of this man but he was handsome and you could tell his intent wasn't to bully but to get me to wonder even more what my father knew that I didn't. I shrugged, "I never even knew about Vellum until about an hour ago so it never occurred to me to question. My name Alexandra by the way. And you are sir?" He waved his hand as if dismiss what I just said, "Oh my name is Burnett but that isn't really important. I have to say I have no intention of being fake with you. Should you see me again, know that I am always going to be...what is it the kids say here? Oh, yes, 'real' with you. You had a sheltered life here but that is about to change. I believe you will need that type of attitude when you are at LDMU. Also be weary of the one they call Lucien, he's into withholding information just like our Duke here." I looked at him skeptically, "

the carriage using his hand to steady myself. He swiftly got in behind me, leaving the door open for my mother who followed and grandfather who had helped her in the carriage. In the presence of my mother, I decided it was best not be a smart ass and just listen. It would do me no good to make mother mad right before my cult death, I didn't want to go out like that. My father cleared his throat as the carriage started to move, "As I was saying, you will lay on the alter. The Pretre will place the ash of the blackwood on your forehead..." Oh I was trying hard not to be a smart ass but I had to, "Cool I'm going to be like a lion in a cartoon or something." My mom shot me a dirty look. "Sorry, please proceed," I shrunk into my seat. "He will chant above you and I swear Xan, if you don't take this seriously when this happens, I will sick Talia on you." I looked at my mother, she was not

epped down and placed my hand in his. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Please stand at attention for His Grace, Duke Reginald Batiste and is progeny Miss Alexandra Rose Batiste the presumptive future Duchess of Blackwood!" Presumptive was the key word here, I had to steel myself to get through this night and have no hesitation. The way my father explained it, I had to assume that I had to have no doubt in my heart

Was he blind? "No dear child, I am not blind." Um, did he read my mind? "Yes, child I did but I can only do so as long as we are touching. I can also see your future, important you are." It was slightly off putting to have this dude in my head and to see my future. "I understand child but I will be your spiritual guidance in the future and you should get used to me. Understand?" I nodded, "I did not mean to offend you sir." "It is not a bother to me child but I need to get this ceremony started or you will not have another chance at this for a long while." I nodded, "Please proceed sir." At that he turned to the audience, "I will now give

team coming off a pressure cooker. He massaged the finger he pricked a few times to well up the blood and rolled my finger over to allow a single drop to land on the stone. He then took my finger and wrapped it into a green silk handkerchief. I looked down at the stone to await the glow that would tell me my fa

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1 Chapter 1 Lonely Girl2 Chapter 2 Before the Party3 Chapter 3 The First Truth4 Chapter 4 The Party5 Chapter 5 Abnormality6 Chapter 6 Revelations7 Chapter 7 The Envoy's Daughter8 Chapter 8 Potential For Danger9 Chapter 9 Vanessa Tannen10 Chapter 10 Mother11 Chapter 11 Unexpected Visitor12 Chapter 12 Suppression13 Chapter 13 Registration14 Chapter 14 In The Study15 Chapter 15 Further Love Of One's World16 Chapter 16 Back To Blackwood17 Chapter 17 I'm Coming Home18 Chapter 18 The Mysterious Headmaster19 Chapter 19 Rules and Procedures20 Chapter 20 The Headmaster's Thoughts21 Chapter 21 To The Manor22 Chapter 22 Talia's Party Part One23 Chapter 23 Talia's Party Part Two24 Chapter 24 Letters from the Brothers25 Chapter 25 Vanessa Visits The King26 Chapter 26 The King's Magical Item27 Chapter 27 The Meeting28 Chapter 28 His First Impression and Her Letter29 Chapter 29 The Move30 Chapter 30 Preparations For The Ball31 Chapter 31 Girl's Day Out32 Chapter 32 The Queen Mother33 Chapter 33 All The Nerves34 Chapter 34 His Grace Presents The Batiste35 Chapter 35 Blood Ritual36 Chapter 36 Exhaustion37 Chapter 37 The King's Day Off38 Chapter 38 The Duke of Mesha39 Chapter 39 Tea For Two40 Chapter 40 The Attempt41 Chapter 41 The King's Scare42 Chapter 42 Recovery43 Chapter 43 The First Day of School44 Chapter 44 Melody Maigny45 Chapter 45 Putting Feelings Into Words46 Chapter 46 Fire47 Chapter 47 Meeting With The Council48 Chapter 48 After A Long Day49 Chapter 49 The Chalshin50 Chapter 50 Just In Time51 Chapter 51 Urgent Meeting With The King52 Chapter 52 The Worry of Her Friends53 Chapter 53 Blinded By Rage54 Chapter 54 Unconscious55 Chapter 55 Eden56 Chapter 56 Battle For Dorothea57 Chapter 57 One Last Ingredient58 Chapter 58 Deep In Thought59 Chapter 59 The Kiss To Cure60 Chapter 60 When I Awaken61 Chapter 61 Aphrodite's Gift62 Chapter 62 Tea Party Parade63 Chapter 63 The Queen's Tea Party64 Chapter 64 Lucien's Anxiety65 Chapter 65 What They Didn't Know66 Chapter 66 Jess67 Chapter 67 Threat68 Chapter 68 Investigation69 Chapter 69 Interview70 Chapter 70 Just For Her71 Chapter 71 Checking In72 Chapter 72 The Plan73 Chapter 73 On Our Merry Way74 Chapter 74 Garden Party75 Chapter 75 Dorothea's Plan76 Chapter 76 Discussion About Bravery77 Chapter 77 A Protective Friend78 Chapter 78 Those We Look Up To79 Chapter 79 Ridicule80 Chapter 80 Absence of Fear81 Chapter 81 Setting The Trap82 Chapter 82 The Family Tree83 Chapter 83 Training Her Fear84 Chapter 84 Facing Fear85 Chapter 85 Questioning Zero86 Chapter 86 A Helping Hand87 Chapter 87 A Small Light In the Darkness88 Chapter 88 Testing Bonds89 Chapter 89 Operation Vanessa90 Chapter 90 The Healing Heart91 Chapter 91 Care of Alexandra92 Chapter 92 The Presentation93 Chapter 93 The Beginning94 Chapter 94 Prey95 Chapter 95 Results96 Chapter 96 What The Future Holds97 Chapter 97 Realization98 Chapter 98 How To Heal A Man99 Chapter 99 Someone Has To Explain100 Chapter 100 Appearance