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Intertwined Fate

Chapter 3 Fail to Plan, Plan to Die

Word Count: 999    |    Released on: 24/05/2024


in the pig’s pen. I ope

ht?” Philip said, as he covers his

,” I

t," Philip said and he left in a hur

d myself as I stood and dust

he castle to see Dmitri. I went to his room but he wasn’

And why did he want to see m

looking through the window, he didn’t turn to me when I entered but he already knew I was the one- Dmitri has a special we

that was not the first time

morning” He said as he


decided to call Joe's attention at least he is my best friend and he has

didn't want Joe to make jest of me, so I de

ject so it got my attention and I decided to look as I waited for Joe. I

in the pig’s pen. I wanted to turn around to see him but the raven fighting its subject got all

inally see him- He looked dirtier than I

for me,"

my hand from my long jacket and sat on the sofa. Joe stood up and blew of

t sleep as I kept thinking about how we are going to win th

y am I here?

on concerning this. We need to make a

I added as I brushed


id attention to him. He lo

e inform oth

?” He said as he

elves to be fit for the battle," I replied with confidenc

e strong and agile. We need to call the attention

ght a cigarette and lit it. He puffed a smoke into the air as he offered me a

and plan this properly," I said a


injure all of them so I left them and went outside as I tried to clear my head. I went to the cage where the slaves were put

stle, I got there to see some of my

them. As soon as they saw me walking towards they adjust

ant?” I inquir

mall town nearby and people living in this town are stil

u mean?” I

illage yet, your majesty…” T

es," I said and left for my chamber. I got to my chamber, it was dark and void. The candle

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