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The Prince of India

The Prince of India


Part 1 Chapter 1 The Nameless Bay

Word Count: 1904    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

wing in upon the Syrian coast. A modern seafarer, looking from the deck of one of the Messagerie steamers now plying the same line of trade,

mast complainingly, unmindful of the simple tackle designed to keep it in control. A watchman crouched in the meagre shade of a fan-like structure overhanging the bow deck. The roofing and the floor, where exposed, were clean, even bright; in all other parts subject to the weather and the wash there was only the blackness of pitch. The steersman sat on a bench at the stern. Occasionally, from force of habit, he rested a hand upon the rudder-oar to be

a cargo. In her deepest undulations the water-line was not once submerged. The leather shields of the oar-ports were high and dry. Possibly she had passengers aboard. Ah, yes! Ther

inkle. His body was wrapped in a loose woollen gown of brownish-black. A hand, apparently all bone, rested upon the breast, clutching a fold of the gown. The feet twitched nervously in the loosened thongs of old-fashioned sandals. Glancing at the others of the group, it was plain this sleeper was master and they his slaves. Two of them were stretched on the bare boards at the lower end of the pallet, and they were white. The third

ittle above the middle. In emergency it might have been used as a weapon. Three bundles loosely wrapped had been cast against a timber of the ship; presumably they contained the plunder of the slaves reduced to the mi

th which its owner clung to it with his right hand. Even in sleep he held it of infinite consequence. It could not have contained

anger was of this period of the world he did not belong to it. Such were the magicians of the story-loving Al-Raschid. Or he was of the ty

of the ship in view, then at the steersman still dozing by the rudder; then he sat up, and brought the roll to his lap

utside the edge of the awning, and dropped into thought. And straightway it was settled that he was not a diplomatist or a statesman or a man of business of any kind. The reflection which occupied hi

a certificate that what we are beholding is charming out of the common lines; yet we are drawn to it irresistibly, and by a wish vague, foolish--so foolish we would hesitate long before putting it in words to be heard by our best lover--a wish that the monster would tell us all about itself. The feeling awakene

xpression, he folded it back into the cover, rebuckled the straps, and placed the parcel under the pillow. Evidently the business drawing him was proceeding as he would have had it. Next he woke the negro with a touch. The black in salute bent his body forward, and raised his hands palm out, the thumbs at the forehead. Attention singularly intense settled upon his countenance; he appeared to listen with his soul. It was time for speech, yet the master merely pointed to one of the

leasant and intelligent. In addressing him, the master made signs with hand and finger; and they appeared sufficient, for the servant walked away quickly as if on an errand. A short time, and he came back bringing a c

ent fo

as couched in

in the same tongue, though wit

be at Sidon. The lookout re

, then asked, "Resorting to the


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ixing his big eyes upon the sai

ittle rivers empty into it, one on each side. Near the middle of the bend of the shore there is a we

ould have bec

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uch a bay?" the p


u find it


e city. Get out all the oars now. At the proper time I will tell you what further I

hed himself upon the pallet; and thenceforth there was no longer a question who was in control. It became the

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1 Part 1 Chapter 1 The Nameless Bay2 Part 1 Chapter 2 The Midnight Landing3 Part 1 Chapter 3 The Hidden Treasure4 Part 2 Chapter 1 A Messenger From Cipango5 Part 2 Chapter 2 The Pilgrim At El Katif6 Part 2 Chapter 3 The Yellow Air7 Part 2 Chapter 4 El Zaribah8 Part 2 Chapter 5 The Passing Of The Caravans9 Part 2 Chapter 6 The Prince And The Emir10 Part 2 Chapter 7 At The Kaaba11 Part 2 Chapter 8 The Arrival In Constantinople12 Part 2 Chapter 9 The Prince At Home13 Part 2 Chatper 10 The Rose Of Spring14 Part 3 Chapter 1 Morning On The Bosphorus15 Part 3 Chapter 2 The Princess Irene16 Part 3 Chapter 3 The Homeric Palace17 Part 3 Chapter 4 The Russian Monk18 Part 3 Chapter 5 A Voice From The Cloister19 Part 3 Chapter 6 What Do The Stars Say20 Part 3 Chapter 7 The Prince Of India Meets Constantine21 Part 3 Chapter 8 Racing With A Storm22 Part 3 Chapter 9 In The White Castle23 Part 3 Chapter 10 The Arabian Story-Teller24 Part 3 Chapter 11 The Turquoise Ring25 Part 3 Chapter 12 The Ring Returns26 Part 3 Chapter 13 Mahommed Hears From The Stars27 Part 3 Chapter 14 Dreams And Visions28 Part 3 Chapter 15 Departure From The White Castle29 Part 3 Chapter 16 An Embassy To The Princess Irene30 Part 3 Chapter 17 The Emperor's Wooing31 Part 3 Chapter 18 The Singing Sheik32 Part 3 Chapter 19 Two Turkish Tales33 Part 3 Chapter 20 Mahommed Dreams34 Part 4 Chapter 1 The Palace Of Blacherne35 Part 4 Chapter 2 The Audience36 Part 4 Chapter 3 The New Faith Proclaimed37 Part 4 Chapter 4 The Pannychides38 Part 4 Chapter 5 A Plague Of Crime39 Part 4 Chapter 6 A Byzantine Gentleman Of The Period40 Part 4 Chapter 7 A Byzantine Heretic41 Part 4 Chapter 8 The Academy Of Epicurus42 Part 4 Chapter 9 A Fisherman's Fete43 Part 4 Chapter 10 The Hamari44 Part 4 Chapter 11 The Princess Hears From The World45 Part 4 Chapter 12 Lael Tells Of Her Two Fathers46 Part 4 Chapter 13 The Hamari Turns Boatman47 Part 4 Chapter 14 The Princess Has A Creed48 Part 4 Chapter 15 The Prince Of India Preaches God To The Gre49 Part 4 Chapter 16 How The New Faith Was Received50 Part 4 Chapter 17 Lael And The Sword Of Solomon51 Part 4 Chapter 18 The Festival Of Flowers52 Part 4 Chapter 19 The Prince Builds Castles For His Gul Bahar53 Part 4 Chapter 20 The Silhouette Of A Crime54 Part 4 Chapter 21 Sergius Learns A New Lesson55 Part 4 Chapter 22 The Prince Of India Seeks Mahommed56 Part 4 Chapter 23 Sergius And Nilo Take Up The Hunt57 Part 4 Chapter 24 The Imperial Cistern Gives Up Its Secret58 Part 5 Chapter 1 A Cold Wind From Adrianople59 Part 5 Chapter 2 A Fire From The Hegumen's Tomb60 Part 5 Chapter 3 Mirza Does An Errand For Mahommed61 Part 5 Chapter 4 The Emir In Italy62 Part 5 Chapter 5 The Princess Irene In Town63 Part 5 Chapter 6 Count Corti In Sancta Sophia64 Part 5 Chapter 7 Count Corti To Mahommed65 Part 5 Chapter 8 Our Lord's Creed66 Part 5 Chpater 9 Count Corti To Mahommed67 Part 5 Chapter 10 Sergius To The Lion68 Part 6 Chapter 1 The Sword Of Solomon69 Part 6 Chapter 2 Mahommed And Count Corti Make A Wager70 Part 6 Chapter 3 The Bloody Harvest71 Part 6 Chapter 4 Europe Answers The Cry For Help72 Part 6 Chpater 5 Count Corti Receives A Favor73 Part 6 Chpater 6 Mahommed At The Gate St. Romain74 Part 6 Chapter 7 The Great Gun Speaks75 Part 6 Chapter 8 Mahommed Tries His Guns Again76 Part 6 Chapter 9 The Madonna To The Rescue77 Part 6 Chapter 10 The Night Before The Assault78 Part 6 Chapter 11 Count Corti In Dilemma79 Part 6 Chapter 12 The Assault80 Part 6 Chapter 13 Mahommed In Sancta Sophia