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The Enigmatic Billionaire Alejandro King

The Enigmatic Billionaire Alejandro King



Anna Maria returns home to discover her husband and best friend in bed. When she attempts to confront her best friend about the betrayal, her husband defends the mistress, despite Anna Maria being the one who financially supports him. In an effort to escape her sorrow, she heads to a bar and, in her inebriated state, spends the night with the enigmatic billionaire Alejandro King, mistaking him for a gigolo. Astonishingly, after their encounter, Mr. King insists that Anna Maria take responsibility for him. What will Happen Next?

Chapter 1 Mistaken Identity.

Anna Maria awoke on the king-size hotel bed, her bones aching. The sight of a strange man sleeping beside her sent an involuntary shiver through her. Her gaze fell upon the startling hickeys scattered across her body. With a deep breath, she drew the covers tight around herself, her mind reeling from the memories of the previous night. She had returned a day early from her business trip in Italy to discover that her husband, to whom she had been married for a year yet had not consummated the marriage due to her immediate departure after their wedding, had been unfaithful with her best friend.

IIn a fit of rage, she confronted the homewrecker and was shocked when her husband defended his mistress, her best friend, and even demanded she apologize. "How could you do this to me?" she cried. "After everything I've done for you and your family, toiling so you could have a decent life! Is this my repayment?"

In a fit of anger, she went to a bar to drown her sorrows in liquor. However, the more she thought back on the terrible incident, the more bitter she felt in her drunken haze.

Why should I put up with this? Since you scumbag dare to do this to me, don’t blame me for paying you back in your own coin! In her mind, she still vaguely remembered how she had yelled, “Get me the most expensive Gigalo you’ve got here and send him to my room!”

Having just awoken, Alejandro King was ready to pay off the woman who had taken advantage of his drugged state last night. But he was suprised when he saw the stains on the sheet proving it was the lady's first time. The deep and mellow voice of a man rang icily from behind. “Do I need to take responsibility for what happened last night?”

Anna stared incredulously at him with apparent disgust in her eyes. “Are you kidding me?" Who would want a gigalo to take responsibility for her? "Aren't you thinking too high of yourself or are you planning to leach on me? Don’t try to use this trick to blackmail me, I’m warning you!”

“A Gigalo?!” Remarked Alejandro.

As soon as his words rang out, Anna felt two ice-cold eyes looking at her incredulously. The man’s breath fanned the top of her head; his voice was frighteningly cold. “What did you call me just now? Say that again!”

The dry warmth on her skin felt so amorous that it almost burned her. For some reason, she chickened out somewhat; a feeling of tension gradually knotted her stomach. After pushing Alejandro aside, she dressed and slid out of bed, pulling all her cash from her handbag and throwing it onto the pillow. "I have no interest in wasting time with someone like you. Take this money for your services and leave. I never want to see you again."

At the sight of the strewn banknotes, Alejandro impatiently took a deep breath. Of all the women who had tried to seduce him over the years, this was his first time coming across a situation like this. He was unsure of what she was up to. What does she take me for? A male escort who’s in the business of getting laid?

Anna frowned. Obviously, this guy thinks I’m not paying him enough. Just how much does he expect me to pay him for such quality of service? He doesn’t even wear a smile on his face. “Don’t feel aggrieved about this, because you’re only worth this much. You were too rough and made me quite uncomfortable. Also, your attitude is bad. You didn’t know how to please a customer at all.”

Irritated thoroughly by the sight of the woman sticking her neck out and yelling in front of him, Alejandro yanked her back on the bed with some force and went on top of her, his muscular body imprisoning her under him. Upon seeing her subconsciously try to get away from him in a panic, he taunted under his breath in a chilling and bloodthirsty voice, “How dare you talk to me like that when this is all the nerve you’ve got? Since you were not satisfied with my performance, how about I make it up to you now?”

"Didn't you say I was your hired gigolo?" Alejandro's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Well, allow me to give you a free session to make up for your lack of satisfaction yesterday."

With that, he leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a forceful kiss. His hands roamed over her body, but he stopped abruptly when he tasted the saltiness of her tears. Anna lay still beneath him, her resignation palpable.

Frustrated and ashamed at letting his anger get the best of him, Alejandro released her and climbed out of bed. Without a word, he headed to the bathroom for a cold shower, leaving Anna alone with her thoughts.

Frantically trying to escape the awkwardness of the situation, Anna grabbed her purse from the floor. As she hurriedly stuffed her fallen items back inside, her hand brushed against something unfamiliar. Unknowingly, she also tucked away a sleek, modern iPhone watch that didn't belong to her.

As Alejandro stepped out of the hotel room, a scowl etched on his handsomely chiseled face, his bodyguards, clad in well-ironed Armani suits, were waiting at the door. They greeted their boss deferentially upon seeing him emerge.

With the stony and forbidding air befitting a man of high position, Alejandro addressed his assistant, Martinez, in a grim voice, "That woman who entered my room drunk last night, find out who she is."

"Yes, boss," Martinez replied promptly.

Meanwhile, Anna had just exited the hotel when she noticed several cops approaching her in their police uniforms. Thinking she was obstructing their path, she stepped back to make way for them. However, one of the young officers, with sharp eyes, interpreted her movement as an attempt to flee. He rushed over and grasped her shoulders firmly.

"Anna Maria, someone has filed a complaint against you for hiring a gigolo. Please come with us," the officer stated matter-of-factly.

Anna's eyes widened in surprise at his words, her mind racing with confusion and disbelief.

At the nearby police station, Anna was subjected to a lengthy interrogation. Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded for mercy, her voice cracking with emotion. She explained that she had only acted in her drunken state and would never have considered such actions while in her right frame of mind.

The officers listened intently, their expressions unreadable as they took note of her statement. Anna's heart pounded with fear and uncertainty as she awaited their response, praying for understanding and leniency.

Martinez's voice cut through the silence of Alejandro's office at the Kings Headquarters. "Boss, the lady who was with you last night is Anna Maria," he began, relaying the information he had gathered. "She's an orphan and a budding soap opera scriptwriter. She's married to a Mr. Alfredo, who seems to be a deadbeat with several failed businesses, relies solely on his wife for support."

Alejandro listened intently as Martin continued. "Yesterday, Anna Maria discovered her husband cheating on her with her best friend. Distraught, she went to the bar to drown her sorrows. It seems it was during this time that you entered her room, leading to your mistaken identity as a gigolo."

Martin's next words brought a sense of unease to the room. "The real gigolo, feeling upset over the missed opportunity, reported Anna Maria to the authorities. She's currently detained at the police station."

Alejandro's brow furrowed as he processed the information. Guilt and regret gnawed at him for his role in Anna Maria's predicament. Without hesitation, he instructed Martin to arrange for Anna Maria's release and to ensure she received any assistance she needed.

Shortly after Martinez intervened, the police officer who had detained Anna approached her and informed her that she was free to go. He advised her to consider herself lucky that someone had vouched for her innocence. With caution to be more careful with her actions in the future, he released her without any criminal record.

Feeling a mix of relief and confusion, Anna thanked the officer and made her way out of the police station, her mind swirling with thoughts of the events that had transpired.

As Anna Maria exited the police station, the last person she expected to see was the homewrecker, Luisa Fernanda. Her heart turned cold at the sight of Luisa standing at the end of the hallway. "Why are you here?" Anna questioned, her voice laced with suspicion.

Luisa's smile was cold as she replied, "How could I miss such an important moment in your life, Anna? You truly are something. Spending money on pleasure when your husband hasn't even touched you yet. Are you that thirsty and cheap?" Her words dripped with disdain.

Anna's confusion was evident as she responded, "What are you talking about? I don’t understand. Don’t slander me!"

But Luisa's smile faltered, her frustration evident. She had witnessed Anna's drunken actions in the bar the night before, and she had promptly called the police. However, to her dismay, they had arrived too late, and the hotel's security footage had conveniently disappeared.

"You know in your heart whether you’ve done it or not," Luisa continued, her tone accusatory. "I hope after what you saw last night, you'll quietly divorce Alfredo. He’s never been faithful to you, emotionally or physically."

Anna sneered at Luisa's provocation, her resolve strengthening. "You don't have to tell me twice. I have no use for a cheating man. I'll start divorce proceedings today." She concealed the satisfaction bubbling within her as she thought of the prenup clause that would ensure Alfredo paid dearly for his infidelity.

Of course, she kept this information to herself, unwilling to reveal her hand too soon. She relished the opportunity to uncover the truth about Alfredo without Luisa's interference, knowing that justice would be served in the end.

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The Enigmatic Billionaire Alejandro King