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Robert Louis Stevenson: A Record, an Estimate, and a Memorial


Word Count: 725    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

evenson presented to Dr Trudeau, who attended him when he was in Saranac in 1887-88-very characteristic in every way, an

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the legal (?) deed by which he conveyed his birthday to little Miss Annie Ide, the daughter of Mr H. C. Ide, a well-known American, who was for several years a resident of Upolo, in Samoa, first as Land Commissioner, and later as Chief Justice under the joint appointment of England, Germany, and the Unite

ms, civil engineer, sole owner and patentee of the palace and plantation known as Vailima, in the island

nty of Caledonia, in the State of Vermont, United States of America, was born, out of all reason, upon Chr

ave attained the age when we never mention it, and that I

Annie H. Ide, all and whole of my rights and privileges in the 13th day of November, formerly my birthday, now, hereby and henceforth, the birthday of the said Annie H. Ide, to have, hold, exercis

and I charge her to use my said birthday with moderation and humanity, et tamquam bona filia familias, the said bi

ove conditions, I hereby revoke the donation and transfer my rights in the sai

d and seal this 19th day of June, in the ye

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d-vessel and suffusion of blood on the brain. He had up to the moment almost of his sudden and unexpected death been busy o

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