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Shattered Vows.

Chapter 4Ā Dance With Shadows

Word Count: 1374 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 04/06/2024

With S

ght beam quivering as it revealed Isabella's menacing grin.

bella moved forward. Emma, what is properly yours

g both worried and angry. Isabella, yo

ian, I am well aware of all of your evidence. I a

racing. They were down and Isabella was dange

ut her off. Not to terrify you, Emma

h Isabella moved quickly and with purpose, he avoided. Emma swung

abella laughed sarcastical

ian withdrew toward the kitchen, her heart hammering. Emm

any weapon. Isabella moved steadily forward, sta

lla froze. Hissing, she turned to face Emma and Julian

hless and in awe as Isabella raced for the

ment moments afterward. How are you two doing? With her eyes sweep

dded. Isabella was in th

s on her forehead. The region will

couch. Isabella was very near to killing them both. Emma understood

were searching the flat and gathering proof. Lisa committed to moving their c

hours. Exhaustion and worry were taking the p

. Frustrated, she continued, "Isabella's gon

fists tightened. Until she'

rough her head. Though they were getting closer than eve

ng forward," her voice resolute. S

looked Emma in the eyes. Until Isabella a

dy for Isabella's trial. Together with Laura and the district atto

as she was leaving the courthouse following a meet

wn gravelly voice stated,

igid person.

u've won, but you have no idea what's comi

uncertainty whirling in her head, she stood motionless on the courtroo

overed her, worry written all o

phone. After Isabella attacked us, the same

tion. The friends of Isabella are still out th

sed in their own thoughts. All they had labored for

she lay in bed that evening. Her thoughts whirling with quest

rt thumping, Emma sat up. Less than

o the living room. Underfoot, broken glass crunched as she looked

g in her chest, Emma

e turned, a figure standing in the shad

low, threatening vo

es shining with victory

re, her hands shaking. Once more disc

pounding. With her icy, calculated eyes, Isabella was oppressive. What do you want,

d. Emma dear, let me to kindly remind you

t in his jaw. You mean what, Isab

la laughed. Julian, oh. Though you believe you h

er nighttime escape whirled through Emma's head. What broug

er in her eyes. Emma, I have my methods, all

ingers tight at his sides. Games

s sparkle in her eyes. I want the a

laughed. Just drop the accusations

have no idea the battle you are in. You are unable of

as Isabella spoke.

arshly and smiled again. Yo

ken window. Emma and Julian were left speechless and

t the street below. His face twisted with ra

om Isabella flashing through her head. Juli

. Not sure, Emma. But we cannot allow her to ter

ou say. The proof is in place against her.

for the remainder of the evening in Emma's flat. Emma was uneasy,

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