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Shattered Vows.

Shattered Vows.

Joah Gallery


Or so it seemed, they were the ideal couple. Though Emma believed Julian would always protect her from life's storms, she is accused of crimes she did not commit after years of marriage. Emma must deal with the ultimate betrayal as Julian's devotion becomes ruthless indifference. Upon the revelation of the truth, will she choose to forge a new path from the rubble of her broken vows or forgive the man who once meant everything to her? Every turn in the compelling story of love, betrayal, and the search for redemption in *Shattered Vows* leads Emma one step closer to realizing her own strength.

Chapter 1 Shattered Illusions

Shattered Illusions

Emma Parker stared out of her penthouse's enormous floor to ceiling windows at the vast cityscape below. Though there was a developing storm inside her heart, the city was alive with sparkling lights and humming activity. Every day, it seemed to her, the gap between her and Julian was getting wider, like a chasm that no bridge could fill.

Five years ago, her husband Julian Parker had been her best friend, confidante, and protector. Whispered about in wonder at the many high-society galas they attended, their love story was the stuff of fairy tales. Julian's IT business had taken off, and they were the social circle's golden pair. The warmth had vanished, though, and Emma was left feeling alone and terrified.

Julian said, cutting through the quiet, "Emma, we need to talk."

Turning, she saw him standing in the entryway of their opulent living room, his face a mixture of annoyance and something else she couldn't quite identify. Terrified? Ange?

Is that it, Julian? Emma asked, straining not to stutter. These were the talks she hated; they were too often and always left her feeling more confused and devastated.

Julian drew deeply, his fists gripping and then releasing at his sides. Holding out a bundle of papers, he continued, "Emma, I need you to sign these."

Divorce papers, Emma knew them, and her heart fell. Julian, please, we have discussed this. Why is beyond me.

"It's not just about us anymore, Emma," a strained-sounding Julian said. You don't know some things, and I can't tell you others. But really, this is for the best.

With what you withhold, how can I trust you? Emma started crying and her voice broke. Love you, Julian. You loved me, I thought as well.

Julian hid the agony on his twisted face with a resolution. Emma, love has nothing to do with this. It has to do with defending my firm and my reputation as best I can. Just sign the paperwork, please. .

Emma had a chill run down her back. Sustaining your business? What connection does that make to us?

After he paused, Julian replied, "You've been linked to an embezzlement conspiracy. All the proof points to you, and funds are missing.

Emma looked startled, her eyes enlarging. With what? It is not possible like that. Julian, none of your business accounts have ever been touched by me. That you are aware of.

I wish Emma I could believe you. But there is overwhelming proof. Acting is what the board is seeking. They will ruin everything I've built if I don't break off contact with you.

Emma stumbled back, her head whirling. This is being done to us by who? Who would frame me, I wonder.

Julian looked a little unsure. Not sure, but I'm looking into it. You must sign the documents by then. Protecting yourself and allowing me time to clear your name requires it.

Emma took the papers with shaking hands and tear-stained vision. Julian, you seemed to be my guardian. I believed that united we were in this.

Julian groaned and turned aside. So I reasoned as well.

Heartbreak and confusion characterized the next few days. Emma shut herself up in their apartment, a million questions rushing through her head. By whom would she be framed? Why, too, did Julian think she was guilty so quickly?

Emma started going through their money, determined to uncover the true offender, in search of any hint. More investigation revealed a series of transactions that pointed to Isabella Harris.

Julian's new PR specialist, Isabella, had grown to be a part of their life very fast. For Emma, Isabella had always been unsettling despite her beauty, charm, and seeming perfection. She had good cause now to be suspicious of her.

Emma chose to go right to Isabella. Determined to uncover the scheme, she went to a charity event knowing Isabella would be there. Her worries were not much eased by the foolishness of the occasion when she walked into the magnificent ballroom.

She saw Isabella with her fans gathered around her close to the bar. Emma drew a long breath and walked over. "Isabella, we must speak."

Isabella turned, a false surprise widening in her eyes. Emma, please. You turning up here surprised me. With what may I help you?

Emma fixed her gaze. Cut the performance, Isabella. You are behind the embezzlement scheme, I know that. "Why are you doing this?"

Isabella kept smiling, but there was a chilly, calculated gleam in her eyes. Emma, my dear, your imagination has always been so vivid. But charging me without offering evidence? That is a risky pastime.

Hoping to startle Isabella, Emma said, "I have proof." And using it doesn't scare me.

Isabella's mask slid for a second, a burst of rage visible. She bounced back fast though, her smile becoming sly. Emma, you are smarter than I ever gave you credit for. But now it is too late. Julian is already mine, and shortly all he possesses will be as well.

Anger and resolve surged through Emma. Isabella, this is far from finished. You will pay for what you have done when I locate the actual proof.

Softly laughing, Isabella said. Emma, best wishes with it. Need it, you will.

Emma came away from the exchange shook but determined as before. She understood she had to move fast and cautiously. Her thoughts racing with ideas to get the proof she needed, she went home.

Weeks passed while Emma worked nonstop to learn more about Isabella's background and her relationships to Julian's business competitors. Every finding increased her risk even as it led her closer to the truth. Her car was broken into, she felt as though someone was always monitoring her, and she had anonymous threats.

Emma came upon a string of encrypted communications between Isabella and an unidentified accomplice one evening while going through Julian's emails. They planned to take over Julian's business and frame Emma, according to the communications. Within reach was the last piece of the jigsaw.

Emma gave Detective Laura Mitchell, an experienced cop renowned for her honesty and perseverance, the proof. Laura listened to Emma tell her story, resolving to harden her gaze. "We have to move quickly if what you're saying is accurate. Isabella and her partner are not going to go down without a struggle."

Working together, they came up with a strategy to compile hard proof and reveal Isabella's plot. Emma consented to meet Isabella in a remote area while wearing a wire to record their talk. Emma understood that was her greatest opportunity to clear her record, even though it was a dangerous action.

Emma felt both anxious and excited the night of the encounter. She came in the empty warehouse nervous as anything. There she was already, Isabella, her confidence arrogant.

Ready to give up, Emma? Isabella laughed.

Emma answered, attempting to keep her voice calm, "Not quite." Why you did it is all I want to know. How come you frame me?

The smile on Isabella was icy. For you were in the way. Julian offered me everything-his business, his money, his power. But his love had blinded him to what was in front of him. So I had to take out the impediment.

Heart pounding, Emma tried to keep her cool. And you considered yourself to be safe?

Isabella tossed back her shoulders. I have already. Julian feels you are guilty, and he will soon be entirely mine. Nobody can stop it.

Detective Mitchell and her group entered the warehouse at that same time, pistols drawn. With astonishment, Isabella understood she had been set up.

Laura responded, "You're under arrest, Isabella," her voice hard. "There is ample proof to keep you in jail for a very long time."

Emma was relieved to have Isabella handcuffed and being dragged away. At last the horror was ending. She turned to go, though, and found Julian standing in the shadows, his face a mixture of regret and grief.

Gently going forward, he said, "Emma." "I apologize sincerely. I ought to have believed you.

With the weight of all they had lost, Emma gazed at him. Apologies are out of date, Julian. The harm has been done.

Julian fanned out, his eyes begged. Give me the chance to do things right, please. Love you, Emma. I have always...

Feeling the tug of old feelings and the might of her newly discovered resolution, Emma inhaled deeply. One day, maybe, Julian. I must, nevertheless, for the time being find my own route.

Emma had not felt such freedom in years as she walked away, the city lights sparkling in the distance. She had come through treachery stronger and prepared to welcome whatever was ahead.

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Shattered Vows.

Chapter 1 Shattered Illusions



Chapter 2 Broken Shadows



Chapter 3 Shadows of Deception



Chapter 4 Dance With Shadows



Chapter 5 Revealed



Chapter 6 Secrets Revealed



Chapter 7 The Trap



Chapter 8 The Tragedy



Chapter 9 The Chase



Chapter 10 The Revelation



Chapter 11 The Turning Point



Chapter 12 The Betrayal Unfolds



Chapter 13 Shattered Illusions



Chapter 14 Storms of the Heart



Chapter 15 Shadows of Deception



Chapter 16 Reunions and Revelations



Chapter 17 Unforeseen Bonds and Hidden Truths



Chapter 18 Love and Betrayal



Chapter 19 Echoes of the Past



Chapter 20 The Path Forward



Chapter 21 Revelations



Chapter 22 The Secret Truth Forbidden



Chapter 23 Reckoning with the Past



Chapter 24 A New Threat



Chapter 25 The Battle Begins



Chapter 26 The Wave Appearances



Chapter 27 The Betrayal Unveiled



Chapter 28 The Invisible Hazard



Chapter 29 Revelations and Resolutions



Chapter 30 Clash of Shadows



Chapter 31 Bound by Fate



Chapter 32 Kimberly's Fight for Survival



Chapter 33 Against the Odds



Chapter 34 Bridging the Divide



Chapter 35 Deciphering Secrets



Chapter 36 A Web of Deception



Chapter 37 Ancestral Shadows



Chapter 38 Untying the Web



Chapter 39 Shadows of the Past



Chapter 40 The Shadow of Phantom
