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The Billionaire Heart

Chapter 2 The first assignment

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 04/06/2024

was walking on eggshells. Everyone seemed friendly and welcoming,

th a gentle smile. "Good morning, Eustina. I see you've

o reveal. "Just one. What exactly do

Clinton's business dealings are... complicated. You'll need

possibilities. She was in this deep

egotiations, complex financial deals, and whispered conversations in dark corri

come – in the form of a mysterious threat that would


ar with the inner workings of Miguel's empire. She was assigned to work on a high-pro

er than she had imagined. The investor was an influential figure, known for his r

l himself. "Eustina, I need you to meet with the investor tomorrow. He w

s a make-or-break moment. The next day, she arrived at th

e, greeted her with a firm handshake. "So, you're th

her nerves. "I'll do my best to

ressive tactics and Miguel's implicit instructions. She walked out of the meeting feeling like she

greeted her with a nod of approval. "Well

nd belonging. She was part of the team now

feeling that she was being watched. And then, she saw it – a small, mys

was she abo

as she inserted the drive into her computer, revealing a hidden folder labelled "Eclipse." As she delved deeper, she discovered a web of secrets and lies that threatened to destroy everything s

ordings, all revealing a shocking truth about Miguel's past. She learned about his involvement in illegal business de

anipulate and control the global economy, using advanced technology and strategic alliances. The scope of the proj

steps outside her office. She knew she had to act fast, so she quickly copied

xpression stern. "Eustina, what have you do

ot fooled. "You know exactly what I'm talkin

cing. "What's going on, Rach

ightly. "You shouldn't have gotten involve

plan to escape and expose the truth. But as she looked around the office, she r

mber. "We have a problem," she said, her v

ad to act fast if she wanted to survive and bri

he door, but it was too late. A group of heavily armed

u should have stayed out of this, Eustina. N

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