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The Billionaire Heart

Chapter 5 Chance to freedom and peace

Word Count: 1122    |    Released on: 04/06/2024

't believe Jeff, someone she trusted, was actually working against her. She tried to process the

called out, her voice f

ed as she tried to make sense of the situation. Suddenly, the lights flickered ba

e dripping with sarcasm. "But you'll never expose M

as trapped, with no escape in sight. But she refused to give up. She knew

he corner of the room. It was a small window, slightly ajar. Without hesitat

ed, hoping her friend

g her back. She struggled, kicked, and punched, but the grip was to

ome to Eust

e escape o

side of the room. She turned to see Alex and another figure, a woman wi

ed, rushing towards her. "We

sprinted towards Alex and the mysterious woman. Together, they made a dash for

ng, Eustina turned to the wo

nths," she replied, her eyes scanning the rooftops for any signs of danger. "I

a's timely intervention. "Thanks

of the woods yet. We need to

e had finally found allies in her quest for truth. With Alex and

a beat. There, standing in front of a black SUV, was

ping with menace. "Look what we have here.

ouldn't let Miguel silence her now, not w

to outsmart Miguel and his empire, o

gh the darkness. "You're a foolish girl, Eustin

ear, but her voice firm. "I'm not afraid of

. And even if you did have proof, do you think anyone would believe you?

ced around, taking in the deserted street, the dark alleys, and the flickering streetlights.

Alex and Maya following close behind. They burst throug

with a kind face, looked up from

rds tumbling out in a rush. The old man

e a secure line to the authorities. We ca

es to arrive, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She kept g

spotted a figure across the street. It was Jeff, h

tina whispered, her he

the street. The old man reached for his

t, Jeff pulled out a gun, ai

" he sneered. "Miguel wants

She knew she had to act fast, bu

ws, tackling Jeff to the ground. The gun went off, the

self off. It was a young man, his

ve been investigating Miguel's empire t

e knew she had found an ally in Lucas, someone

nge, she couldn't believe the news from th


tment call? Or a

ustina, come

es widened i

ll that will transform her life to mul

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