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The Billionaire Heart

The Billionaire Heart

Author: light C

Chapter 1 The job offer

Word Count: 1011    |    Released on: 04/06/2024

ountless positions, gone on numerous interviews, and yet, nothing seemed to pan out. She

al Assistant to a High-Net-Worth Individual" read the title. The description was vague, but the sa

phone rang. "Eustina, this is Rachel from Elite Staffing. We received your applic

to the interview and hung up the pho

sional attire, her nerves buzzing. She arrived at the sleek, modern buil

l, the billionaire. His piercing blue eyes locked on

for coming in today," he said, h

p sneaking glances at Miguel. He was even more captivating up close – his chis

ions about her experience, her skills, and her work et

You have an impressive resume and a strong work ethic.

skipped a beat.

he interjected wit

rilled to be consider

job comes with a unique set of challenges. It requires discretion, loyalty, and a willingness to wo

chance to prove herself, to make a name for herself in the

el. I won't l

statingly charming. "I believe yo

er what she had just gotten herself into. Little did she know, he

the deal. Eustina felt a surge of excitement mixed with a

ng at the curb. "My driver, James, will take you to your new office. You'll find eve

ng away, his phone pressed to his ear. She watched him disappear i

tumultuous thoughts swirling in her head. When they arrived at the office building

o be on the 20th floor. Mr. Clinton'

a maze of glass-walled offices, each one bustling with activity. A statuesque blonde, Rachel

o manage Miguel's schedule, coordinate with his team, and handle... "discreet matters.

e inner workings of Miguel's empire. Eustina's mind reeled with the sheer scope of

r thoughts still reeling from the day's events. She had never imagined she'd be working fo

ing of a journey that would take her to the h

she had just stepped into a different world. The luxurious office, the high-stakes d

ad given her. Inside, she found a comprehensive dossier on Miguel's business dealings, his alli

ressed to her. "Trust no one. Verify everything. Your discretion is paramo

. What secrets was she expe

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