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Chapter 1 The Prodigal Wife

Word Count: 2326    |    Released on: 05/06/2024

ild birth due to complications. From the first day I met Isong, never for once have I lacked. My account grew from naught to millions. He saw me through school but refused me working saying I nee

ve school in the neighbourhood. We had vacations in any country I choose once every year. My husband believed so much in buying shares and bonds. He had shares in most rising businesses. He had all the time in the world and he commited it to me and the children. I became god to my father, mother, siblings and every ex

marriage. The quarrels, space, separations and more. I gradually began to change from a virtuous woman. My husband wo

r over 2 years had been rented and the occupants would said they would be moving

age. I stormed out of the house and asked who they were. My supposed neighbour drew closer, greeted me with a flirtitous look and introduced himself as Drake the new occupant of the duplex. The caretaker was supposed to be here to make the introduction he said. Who are you, if I may ask he asked? The sister to the occupants I guess??? Nah I answered with a smile, I live here with my husband and 2 kids. 2 kids! He exclaimed, you look quite young and beautiful for a mother he

n so we breezed out to meet our new neighbours, they looked like a lovely couple. Drake sure do have taste, his wife Be

introduce us as billionaires but she simply introduced us as graduates without jobs who lived on the proceeds of shares he bought years ago when life was good. He went further to criticise government's insince

it definitely would be more than a week. My heart was all joy but I had to conceal it and pretended to be missing him already. It didn't take long after his departure, Drake and I activated our incubated lust. We were a love bird. Though there was nothing much that was different between my husband and Drake in bed, infact my husband was better I must confess yet I enjoyed the fact that I was flirting and

? Ever thought of all this?? But my mind was made up to bulge. He called my parents who wasted no time in inviting me over. I went there and intimidated them rather than listen to them, Afterall I was the bread winner😃😃😃😃😃. Drake and I met in an hotel and it was the best two days ever sleeping and waking in Drake's arm. We perfected our plans, got the divorce papers and served our spouses. My demands were same as Drake's, the kids were not my concern. My husband signed the papers in pains and told me goodbye. I was dead shock. My belongings I asked, he went inside and threw out my clothes, and pushed me out. Betty came over looking sobber, she must have been crying for days now. What happened she requested, I ignored her and banged on the door. Isong later came out and showed the divorce papers to her. She read through and broke into tears, is there a divorce spirit around here or something she asked, why would you want to leave your beautiful family she asked??? My husband ended it all with meet me in court. I got a lawyer and our case began. Isong was able to prove to the court that he had nothing to himself, his father was the owner of all the billions. The account he operates was a children savings account and the required handover documents were still unsigned, all his shares he bought since we got married were in the kids name. So he had nothing to share with me. I lost the case and was about to request for custody of the kids but Isong and his legal team opted for a settlement out of court since he didn't want the kids to be trauma

still couldn't raise the amount due to the haste in which he sold the properties, he was only able to raise 950 million but my kidnappers refused the offer. I stayed a few days more before Drake claimed to have gotten the balance 50 million from his friends and mine with support from my family. I was released to a world of naught. I went to live with my parents while Drake had to squat with his friends. A month later Drake requested a divorce which I granted since we obviously we're not compatible. Life for me became tough, I was back to my ro

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