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Stories collection

Chapter 3 Unbroken

Word Count: 2400    |    Released on: 05/06/2024

faulty. The stranger took the pains to tow me to the nearest workshop. He stayed back for the work to be done as he kept me company, he paid the

to his boss about the money he had spent from the money he was sent to take to the bank and his reason for staying out so long. I really felt for him and that made me love him even more. He asked for my opinion on possible business ideas to invest in to yield fast returns, I told him to invest in importation. As the daughter of a custom officer, I have been let in on the know of how lucrative importation was. He expressed his lack of knowledge in the business of importation but I assured him I would give him the necessary guidance. He finally met a contact on Ali Baba a

cted over 7 legal firms jostling for my internship with them. I passed law school in flying colours but not for my father's interference, I would have miss

rriage was supposed to be a blessing but it rather brought me unhappiness. After our marriage, I told my husband it was time for us to move into a befitting apartment since even with his status, he still lived in a low co

ssed you immensely, why not impact on them. That? He asked laughing, I thought it was something serious. Well, I have placed all of them on monthly sa

ring my visit and marriage made me consider them to be family and more. Ikenna was lucky to have been taken to the city for apprenticeship due to his responsible cha

y husband was now worth close to a billion naira in cash excluding assets which included 7 acres of lands in strategic towns, stores in commercial locations, 7 blocks of 4 3be

or secondary school certificate examination the following year and it was also a success and took JAMB which was equally successful. There was relative peace in the home and my husband travelled more and since I had just birthed my second daughter. Ugwu the second born of my husband's family was put temporarily in charge of the businesses. Things began to take a different dimension, Ugwu was now spending more than I all

e. I was highly frustruat3d and this got worst when Ugwu made attempts to sleep with me on the ground that should my husband d!E, he would be my new husband and as such I needed to start treating him right before that time comes. I reported him to my husband but my husband didn't take it seriously. To make m

ds without a father figure and my Catholic faith didn't help issues. I prayed, I cried

nged all the locks to the businesses. He called me to notify me that my husband had passed. I cried until I had no more tears in me. I sent Ugwu money to bring home my husband's body. The case was investigated and it was confirmed he died from coffee pois0ning. The airport chef was arrested for that was were the coffee was traced to. There was no defence as the autopsy clearly showed coffee pois0ning. The Chef was sentenced to de@th by hanging and my husband was buri3d. Ugwu would not stop coming to my room to allow him have his entitlements as my new husband. He wants to sleep with me and needs me to give him all my husband's documents. The war in my home got worst as all I did was loo

husband's people had no place for girl child inheriting properties. Ugwu made a second case at the high court requesting I handed over everything in my possession to him

o inherit properties in Africa through my friends who were now serving senators. 3 years later, the case had passed second reading but was yet to signed into law when judgement was passed and I lo

een signed into law. My husband's family looked exhausted financially as he had spent heavily on the case. All his loot were gone. With the signing of the bill

m in his name. It was amongst my property. My father in-law knelt down to beg me to have mercy which was the only reason I left them the house. They went back into abject poverty. My wealth grew as I had employed experts in managing my business

ll I laboured for to better the life of my children was about to be taken from me and my children. I was sure Ugwu would K!LL my husband once he gets confirmation as the next of kin. I wasn't going to let that happen. After a deep thought, I decided to K!LL my husband before he changes the documents data. He was to travel to Sing

to act strong, my world is in a state of emptiness. A part of m

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