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Shadows of the heart


Word Count: 1655    |    Released on: 13/06/2024

bulence in Marco heart. He found himself craving for Chiara presence more than ever, unable to ignore the growing desir

s room, his thoughts consumed by

heart, knowing that he had doubted Chiara, the woma

ch her and apologize for his lack

day of bonding. They had spent the evening laughing a

voice was gentle and timid. Of course, you can ask

wered, "I love you, Chia

s. Oh, Sofia, she exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion. You may call me whatever you like. How abo

mma Chiara. They laughed together, flinging p

e, her voice calming, as she wa

her own room once S

hower and tried to put an end to her day's

g and scary. Taking a deep breath, she put on her robe and headed for Marco's room. The scene that had come to her, when she entered the r

himmering on his skin after a recent shower. Chiar

oice raspy and emotional

eyes wary yet eager. "Ma

should have believed and trusted you. My doub

reached out to touch his arm. "I

s head, his expr

. I hurt you, and I

d mistrust. I'm not worthy of your forgiveness, but I hope you find the courage to giv

o. I have never ceas

d, his voice thick a

ls a surge of heat race up

g a silky nightgown."I got this for you," he murmu

robe from him. Her hands trembled as she opene

heart full of thanks. Thank y

athroom and changed, the cold f

You look stunning, he murmured, reaching forward to grab

close, his hands tracing the contours of her body. His touch was

her voice shaking

iss. It was a kiss full of long, unspoken promises, a

inside her. She responded enthusiastically, her hand exploring the firm surface of his

her lip. You drive me wild, y

s. Marco put his hand inside her nightgown, caressing her flesh with gentleness that t

ed, barely audib

ing as they gave in to their passions, their bodies moving in perfect accord. Marco's lips were fair and posses

nsify, with thunder and lightnin

and breasts. Chiara's finger knotted in his hair, her body arching towards him in a passio

her voice quive

and joy. I love you, too, his voic

phrase pushed them closer together

's arms, the storm had subsided, and the rai

ever want to let you go." She answered softly, "You won't have to." They

d, his voice thick a

ls a surge of heat race up

g a silky nightgown."I got this for you," he murmu

robe from him. Her hands trembled as she opene

heart full of thanks. Thank y

athroom and changed, the cold f

You look stunning, he murmured, reaching forward to grab

close, his hands tracing the contours of her body. His touch was

her voice shaking

iss. It was a kiss full of long, unspoken promises, a

inside her. She responded enthusiastically, her hand exploring the firm surface of his

her lip. You drive me wild, y

s. Marco put his hand inside her nightgown, caressing her flesh with gentleness that t

ed, barely audib

ing as they gave in to their passions, their bodies moving in perfect accord. Marco's lips were fair and posses

nsify, with thunder and lightnin

and breasts. Chiara's finger knotted in his hair, her body arching towards him in a passio

her voice quive

and joy. I love you, too, his voic

phrase pushed them closer together

's arms, the storm had subsided, and the rai

ever want to let you go." She answered softly, "You won't have to." They

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