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Moonlit Destiny

Moonlit Destiny


Chapter 1 Return to Silverwood

Word Count: 816    |    Released on: 11/06/2024

coming her home. It had been over a decade since she last set foot in Silverwood, the town she once call

brought her back. Her parents’ sudden death in a car accident had shattered her world, and now, the old family home

nd peeling. Vines crawled up the walls, and the windows were dark, almost as if the house itself was in mourning. Luna’s heart ached at

wood and memories. She flipped the light switch, but nothing happened. Of course, the electricity had p

rners. The furniture was draped in white sheets, giving the place an eerie, ghostly feel. She pulled a sheet off an old ar

tell her, stories about the forest and the creatures that lived within it. Stories that, as she grew older, she realized were more than just

ood up, listening intently. Another thud, followed by a low, rumbling growl. Her instincts to

. At the top, she paused, straining to hear. The noise had come from he

the window overlooked the garden below. But something was off. The room felt colder, and t

m light. Luna froze, her mind racing. The wolf growled, a low, menacing sound that sent sh

As her hand brushed its fur, a surge of energy passed through her, and she felt a connection she cou

r. She knelt beside it, her heart pounding. “Who are you?” she whispered, her voic

ns. There was so much she didn't understand, so much she needed to learn. But one thing was clear: her return to Silverwood wa

ver glow over the trees. She felt a sense of purpose, a calling. The answers were o


tage for Luna's journey and hinting at the mysteries that lie

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