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The Golden Fleece: A Romance

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 4036    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in vain conversation. Moreover, there is that in the conscious proximity of death which stimulates to thought much more than to speech. But Freeman preserved an outward demeanor of compla

f that the darkness was detrimental to accurate shooting, and wondered whether Senor Freeman would think it necessary to fight across a handkerchief. He could not help regretting, too, that the quarrel had not been occasioned by some more definite and satisfactory provocation,-something which merely to think of would steel the heart to irrevocable murderousness. But no blow had passed; even the words, though bitter to swallow, had been wrapt in the phrases of courtesy; and perhap

. An open space of about half an acre was bounded on one side by a growth of wild mustard, whose slender stalks rose to more than the

vel; and there's no possibility of our being disturbed. I was thinking, this afternoon, as I passed through here, what an ideal spot it was for just such a lit

might have said more, but was unwilling to

d to this temptation, partly from traditional feeling that it would not be suitable conduct for a De Mendoza, partly because he might miss the shot or only inflict a wound, and partly because such

sort of a machine is yours?" he inquired, pleasantly. "You can take your choice. I'm not particular,

ted Don Miguel, with

t be a good plan to start at, say, fifteen, and advance firing. In that way, one or other of us will

latter, fetching a deep breath, and se

. "So now let us take our ground:

orth and south, with the planet of love between them, as it were. "Ob

at something behind his antagonist. "Santa Mari

f Mexican fair play. So, before turning round, he advanced till he was alongside

n jerked itself from side to side; occasionally it would quite vanish for an instant. Accompanying this manifestation there was a clawing and reaching of shadowy arms: altogether, it was as if some titanic spectral gras

tant enterprise, any interruption is an annoyance. Perhaps there was in the young American's nature just enough remains of belief in

with a faint explosive sound, followed by a shout unmistakably human. The long stems of the wild

out an appeal to the Virgin an

oice, which gave him such a start of surprise as well-nigh caused him to pull the trigger for sheer lack of self-

schines!" fal

ch moths withal. Under his left arm was slung a brown japanned case, in which he presumably deposited the spoils of his skill. Freeman's shot had not only smashed and extinguished the lantern which served as bait for

have no idea how formidable you looked; and you could hardly

as Don Miguel advanced doubtfully out of the gloom. "Senor de Mendoza, as I'm a sinner! and armed, too! Well, really! Are you two out on a murdering expedition?-Oho!" he went on, in a changed tone, glancing keenly from one to anothe

eman, admitted that he had been on the point o

ood! Wounded honor! The code!-But, by the way, I

l a mistake. We just happened to meet at the gen-e

uel, but an assassination. You acted like a coward!-I say it, sir, like a coward!-and I hope you may live to be as much ashamed of yourself as I am now ashamed for you. Secondly, your conduct, considered in its relations to-to certain persons whom I will not name, is that of a boor and a blackguard. Suppose you had accomplished the cowardly murder-the cowardly murder, I said, sir-that you were bent upon to-night. Do you think that would be a grateful and acceptable return for the courtesy and confidence that have been shown you in that house?-a house, sir, to which I myself introduced you, under the mistaken belief that you were a gentleman, or, at least, could feign gentlemanly behavior! But I won't-my feelings won't allow me to enlarge further upon this point. But allow me to add, in the third place, that you have shown yourself a purblind donkey. Actually, you haven't sense enough to know

ended by admitting the force of the argument; and the reminiscences of college lecturings aroused by the incident had

very sorry for it. If you won't give me any bad m

ou ask pardon of Senor Don Miguel de Mendo

xican's character; and he respected it so little that he could no longer take the man seriously, or be sincerely angry with him. The professor's assurance as to Don Miguel's i

tion; I entreat the favor of your friendship. Senor, between men of honor, a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, and an apology is an apology. I lament the existence of the

o understand. Although, therefore, he had no stomach for battle, he was oppressed by a misgiving lest the whole transaction had been in some way planned to expose him to ridicule; and for this reason he was disposed to treat Freeman's peaceful overtures with suspicion. His heart did not respond to those overtures, but neither was it stout enough to enable him to reject them explicitly. Accordingly, he adopted that middle course which, in spite of the prover

ith one adorer at a time; but, while turning to a new love, she was by no means disposed to loosen the chains of a former one; and, though herself as jealous as is a tiger-cat of her young, she could never recognize the propriety of a similar passion on the part of her victims. She had been indignant at Freeman's apparent infidelity with Miriam; but when she had (as she imagined) discovered her mistake, she had listened with a heart at ease to the protestations of Don Miguel. She had parted from him that evening with a half expressed understanding that he was to reappear beneath her window before day-light; and she had pictured to herself a charming balcony-scene, such as she had beheld in Italian opera. Accordingly,

he was going straight to t

hat she pursued entered the door of the house, and passed into the corridor traversing the wing. Grace was in time to see it cross the t

time turning round, so that its countenance was revealed. A torrent of black hair fell

e at last, in a faint voice, "how you have frightened me! I saw you go in, in t

never heard such words; and yet I seem to understand, a

dear! don't yo

nst her temples. "But I feel her-I feel her coming! Not yet, Kamaiakan! not so soon!-Do yo


-the blue-eyed,-the fair

lking about? Not

!-Tell him," she went on, laying her hand majestically upon Grace's should

race, puzzled, and beg

: not as the child Miriam loves, but with the heart and soul of a mig

" inquired Grace, wit

n, and the guardian of the g

ious! what

he gorge of the desert hills. None knows the place of

itzin, for aught I know; but, I must confess, I think you're mistaken in supposing he's in love with you

the right-the arch--" Her voice died away. She covered her face with her hands, and trembled violently. Slowly she

you. I had begun to think you had gone mad. It mus

I never hea

it's a princess.

r awake? What


me, Grace. If I ha

were somebody else a minute ago.... The truth is, of course, y

f my room?" asked

dear. If I were you, I would have one of the women sleep in your room, in case you got restless again. It's just an attack of nervousness, probably,-having

k; and finally she came to the conclusion that it was best to quietly await further developments. She would keep an eye on Freeman as well as on Miriam; something, too, might be gathered from Don Miguel; and then there was that talk about a treasure. Was that all the fabric of a dream, or was there truth at the bottom of it? She had heard something said about a treasure in the course of the general conversation the day before. If there really was

summons to breakfast came, she had passed through thrilling adventures enou

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