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The Golden Fleece: A Romance

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 3771    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

were riding past a grove of live-oaks: they immediately dismounted, made fast their horses, and lay down beside some bushes that skirted the grove. Neither the earthquak

tood as it does now, and the hour of the night was the same. But this shaking of the earth makes me fear for th

h regretted such a calamity as she suggested: it would be a simple solution of difficulties which might otherw

poke together beside the fountain, I have seen him. He looked upon me doubtfully, being, per

he, that you should think

my heart," w

her you call its rightful owner. I will never again leave this world

may, indeed, suffer you to live again; but you must

well know, Kamaiakan, that, except you use your art to banish me

and to do as you desire would be

ine is the stronger spirit, and has therefore the better right to live. I ask of you only to do nothing. None need ever know that Miriam ha

ifficult problem. The old Indian heartily wished that a separate tenement might be provided for each of these two souls, that they might fight out their quarrel in the ordinary way. But his magic arts did not extend to the creation of flesh and blood. At the same time, he could not but feel to blame for having bro

as not to be put

re perceptible to me. When I was here before, she did but lean towards this youth; now she has given herself to him. She means to be united to him; and, if I again should

for this young man; they have seen little of each other; and it ma

me, I will not lead you to the treasure. But that is not enough; for men deceive, and you are a man. But if at any time hereafter I feel within me those pangs that tell me you are about to separate me from this world,

a pause, made a gesture of gloomy resignation. "It shall be as you say, then, Semitzin; and upon your head be

plied the Aztecan. "A day of happiness with

swer, and the two ro

enith, seemed to hang precisely above the summit of

"We tied our horses among the shrubbery round yo

princess appeared as fresh as when she started. Not once had she even taken a draught from her canteen; and yet she was closely clad, from head to foot, in the doublet and leggings of the Golden Fle

when an object lying in her path caused her to halt and sprin

a fragment of rock, which had evidently fallen upon it from a height. He had

him?" deman

. He was ridden by the Senor Freeman. They must have come here before the ear

him here. Through all the centuries, and across all spaces, we were destined to meet. His horse was

d man rather dryly, "that had it not been for Miriam

hour,-or, at least, a minute. But not now, Kamaiakan,-not till I am well assured that no thought but of me can ever fi

pack-horse with us

changes here. See how the water pours from this spring! It has already

d in the floor of the gorge, from some of which steaming vapors escaped, while others gave forth streams of water. The darkness added to the difficulties of the way, for, although the sky was now clear,

sing sight for a moment of the slight, grayish figure in front of him. At length she disappeared behind the jutting profile of a great promontory whi

was pale; the eyes were closed. A streak of blood, from a wou

d?" the In

water from her canteen over his face, and bent her ear over his lips. "He breathes," she said. Slipping one arm beneath his neck,

The man stirred slightly, and emitted a sigh.

" remarked Kamaiakan. "B

an interval she added, "It is in the hollow beneath that archway. Go down three paces: on the wall at the left you will feel a

ntion to him, but was absorbed in ministering to her patient, whose strength was every moment being augmented, though he was not yet aware of his position. But al

pon the spot! The air within is poisonous. It withers the limbs and

"But the treasure is mine, and it may well be that no other hand may touch

it will be death!" e

ou watch beside him while I go. Ah, if your Miriam wer

ypt, and vanished in its depths. The Indian, still dizzy and fain

d. "She has perished!

ly about him. "What the deuce has happened?" he dema

box, which she grasped by a handle at one end. Immediately in her steps broke forth a great volume of water, boiling up as if from

ed on entering the cave. She was panting from exertion, but neither her phys

higher ground before the waters overtake us. And now--" She turned to Fre

as all he c

you, and whom you will love. I give you life, and fo

, with her assistance, to his feet. "I have

ast to the crupper. Semitzin seized the bridle, and started up the gorge, Kamaiakan bringing up the rear. The lower leve

e ranch to hunt me up. But where are the general and Professor Meschines? How long ago was it? And how came Miriam...

ike a hive of bees, had all he could do to maintain his equilibrium in the saddle. He was excruciatingly thirsty, and the gurgling of waters round about made him wish he might dismount and plunge into them. But he lacke

coming to his side. "Lean on me,

He picked himself up, however, and recollecting that he had a flask with brandy in it, he felt for it, found it intact, and, with an inarticulate murmur of apology, rais

t made a difference in her. She was assertive, imperious; as loving, certainly, as lover could wish, but not in the manner of the Miriam he knew. He might have liked the ne

tzin first saw you, her heart was yours. And I come to you, not poor, but with the riches and power

inquired Freeman. "I'm not awa

nowhere to be seen. Both Freeman and she had supposed that he was following on behind the mule; but he h

he direction of the de

ast a quarter of a mile off, and the wrong dire

said S

ected a low murmur, th

rt himself," said Freema

old Indian, reclining with his shoulde

he cave was fatal to me, though the spell that is upon the Golden Fleece protected you

Freeman. "Here, take a pull at this flas

e gesture of the hand. "My time is come,--

muttered Freeman. "

er feet. "I feel the sleep coming on me again! I feel Miri

rength of my will goes from me, and I can no longer keep you in this world. The spirit of Miriam claims

nothing, and his beard

eman. "But what is all this about? I never heard a

wards him, and her

bled in her belt, caught the handle of a knife there, and drew it. She lifted it against her heart; but even then there was an uncertainty in her movement, as if her mind were divided against itself, or had failed fully to retain the thread of its purpose. But Freeman, who had passed ra

ternation, or confusedly mingled. One said, "Let me kill her! I will not go! Keep back, you pale-faced girl!" and then a lower,

truggle, and sank back in Freeman's arms. His own strength was well-nigh at an end. He laid her on the ground, and, sitting beside h

t had come from the desert. Soon loomed up the shadowy figures of mounted men, and they cam

hich sounded like that of Gene

noke, who has been out of her mind, but she's g

exclaimed Gen

Well, thank God we've found you, and t

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