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Billionaire or Spark

Chapter 5 05

Word Count: 873    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

ursing through me as Damon slid behind the wheel, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. We peeled away from the burning mansion, leaving behind the controlled world of Henry and the glitterin

e engine a welcome contrast to the shrill screams that echoed faintly in my ears. The orange glow of th

arely a whisper above the engine's purr. "

's just say," he drawled, his voice laced with amusement, "I saw

smile tugging at my lips despite myself. "I c

e reached out, his hand brushing mine briefly before returning to the steering wheel. "Beside

Looking at Damon, his profile sharp against the orange glow of the firelight, I couldn't deny there was a thrill to this madness. He was everythi

asked, a hint of curiosit

said. "Maybe a late-night diner with the best greasy spoon breakfast in the city? Or

These were things I never would have even considered a week ago. But tonight, the carefully co

a playful smile dancing on my

resting," he repeated, his voice husky. "Or m

time that night, I wasn't afraid. Instead, I leaned back in my seat, a thrill coursing through me as Damon pressed down o

vie. Here I was, hurtling down the highway with a mischievous grin plastered on my face, a dangerous fire and a predict

wind whipping through the open windows, "convinced

ility, was everything I thought I wanted. But tonight, with Damon's reckless abandon and the wind whipping

admitted, my voice a whisper

le fading slightly, "but predictable. You can practically set your watch to his every move." He swerved the car arou

ooking out at the moonlit highway, a world of possibilities stretched before me, a world fil

nt in my eyes, "what kind of tro

er this time, a hint of som

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