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Mrs Unknown

Chapter 4 Is This The End

Word Count: 1783    |    Released on: 18/06/2024

rt? 'Hello uncle, I should've never disagreed with all those names you called me, because I am exactly everything you said?' Or 'I'm sorry, I should've listened to you, now I'm

ame time her heart dropped. "What!?" The woman startled for a bit but she spoke up again after the shock died down "Yes, no one lives here anymore, atleast not for as long as I know" For what felt like the nth time that night, Divine felt her life crumble again as she sunk unto her knees, shoulders shaking as the tears resumed falling again. "Oh no, what's wrong, don't cry" the woman all but whimpers as she crouches next to her, lifting her head and wiping her tears. Divine couldn't believe everything could go so badly for her thanks to one bad decision she made on impulse, months ago. Where had her uncle and auntie gone to? Did they move? Where to? Where was she to go now? All those questions only seemed to make her heart squeeze tighter in her chest as she hit it continuously with her fist until the woman stopped her, grabbing her fist to halt her actions and before she knew it, the woman was helping her to her feet. "You can't stay here any longer. Come, you can think of something else inside, let's go" slowly, with the woman's hands still wrapped around her, Divine was led into the house across the street like the woman said, welcomed by two very excited dogs and two cats which the woman spoke lovingly to before she took off the raincoat and led Divine into the living room. She couldn't even bring herself to look around the house when the woman excused herself, the sounds of her footsteps fading up the stairs. It was still so unbelievable. How and why did it go so wrong. When the woman came back, she handed her a towel, pointing at a room at the right and instructing her to change her clothes immediately and head to the bathroom, gently thrusting her in the direction of the room where Divine silently walked to. Peeling the cold clothes off her skin felt both relieving and unnerving. Once again, she was taking comfort in another's stranger's house, having no idea what the future held for her as she shivered her way to the en-suite bathroom, standing under the showerhead and letting out a loud scream when the hot water rained down on her. In what felt like seconds, the bathroom door burst open, revealing the wide eyes of the woman and Divine bit her lower lip, guilty. "I'm sorry, I set the water temperature too high" she explained sheepishly and the woman sighed before walking into the bathroom, unbothered by the fact that Divine stood naked. "Oh dear, you need to balance it" she held unto the handle, setting it in the middle of the hot and cold gauges, "like this, for it to be at the right temperature" she said before stepping away and Divine nodded. "I know it's a bit late, but do well to come eat when you're done taking your bath, you look like you could use a hot meal" Divine felt tears well up in her eyes at the words before she muttered, "Thank you. Thank you so much" and the woman smiled, nodding slightly before speaking up again. "I'm Kathleen. And you don't need to thank me, the world could use a bit of kindness every now a

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