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Soul Shard Captor [BL]

Chapter 64 Arc 1 Chapter 63 – Breaking point

Word Count: 1273    |    Released on: 19/06/2024

er, opened her communicator to find her fiancé had sent her a baffling messag


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h. Knowing the tem

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1 Chapter 1 Info2 Chapter 2 Arc 1 Chapter 1 – God Is that you 3 Chapter 3 Arc 1 Chapter 2 – My entire life is a lie!!!4 Chapter 4 Arc 1 Chapter 3 – Hold on, I've got some ethical concerns...5 Chapter 5 Arc 1 Chapter 4 – But, what's the catch 6 Chapter 6 Arc 1 Chapter 5 – Blackie, you've changed!7 Chapter 7 Arc 1 Chapter 6 – He who died on his first day on the job8 Chapter 8 Arc 1 Chapter 7 – It's an accident for sure!9 Chapter 9 Arc 1 Chapter 8 – Quick! Give me a doughnut!10 Chapter 10 Arc 1 Chapter 9 – Profound thoughts, I tell you!11 Chapter 11 Arc 1 Chapter 10 – Say what ! I have to do what !12 Chapter 12 Arc 1 Chapter 11 – Hey there, brother-in-law!13 Chapter 13 Arc 1 Chapter 12 – Here, kitty, kitty <314 Chapter 14 Arc 1 Chapter 13 – Ah, really want to bully him!15 Chapter 15 Arc 1 Chapter 14 – Eating or being eaten16 Chapter 16 Arc 1 Chapter 15 – You ditched me to go on a date ! 17 Chapter 17 Arc 1 Chapter 16 – What do you mean cabbage you've raised !18 Chapter 18 Arc 1 Chapter 17 – The difference between a main male lead and side leads19 Chapter 19 Arc 1 Chapter 18 – Cabbage stealing pig - die, die, die!!20 Chapter 20 Arc 1 Chapter 19 – This bro is talented21 Chapter 21 Arc 1 Chapter 20 – Are you gay test22 Chapter 22 Arc 1 Chapter 21 – Mn, kittens are definitely the cutest23 Chapter 23 Arc 1 Chapter 22 – No kisses before marriage!24 Chapter 24 Arc 1 Chapter 23 – Don't go back on your word later25 Chapter 25 Arc 1 Chapter 24 – Are you trying to collect a full Cordia family set !26 Chapter 26 Arc 1 Chapter 25 – How could you go and die like this ! 27 Chapter 27 Arc 1 Chapter 26 – Not.... so rough, ah! ...It... is my first time... <328 Chapter 28 Arc 1 Chapter 27 – Why me, great deity! 29 Chapter 29 Arc 1 Chapter 28 – Fuck! Had he fallen for his own little brother-in-law ! 30 Chapter 30 Arc 1 Chapter 29 – Asking to be pushed down and fucked thoroughly...31 Chapter 31 Arc 1 Chapter 30 – Ram it straight into that tight little hole!32 Chapter 32 Arc 1 Chapter 31 – How could his baby be so cute 33 Chapter 33 Arc 1 Chapter 32 – Dare make life difficult for my baby Off with their heads!34 Chapter 34 Arc 1 Chapter 33 – Don't worry! I am completely healthy, absolutely no STDs!35 Chapter 35 Arc 1 Chapter 34 – Definitely can't handle that much stimulation!!36 Chapter 36 Arc 1 Chapter 35 – Did you do something with your hair 37 Chapter 37 Arc 1 Chapter 36 – So much for resolving the situation quietly...38 Chapter 38 Arc 1 Chapter 37 – Hehe, sister, you are welcome!39 Chapter 39 Arc 1 Chapter 38 – Must be small and cute and pink40 Chapter 40 Arc 1 Chapter 39 – ...future husband You mean wife 41 Chapter 41 Arc 1 Chapter 40 – How about I show you just how hard I can blow 42 Chapter 42 Arc 1 Chapter 41 – Bro, can't we solve this peacefully ! 43 Chapter 43 Arc 1 Chapter 42 – My baby's first kiss!!44 Chapter 44 Arc 1 Chapter 43 – ...sitting very snugly in his embrace45 Chapter 45 Arc 1 Chapter 44 – There is hope for you yet!46 Chapter 46 Arc 1 Chapter 45 – Did you hurt yourself on the stick 47 Chapter 47 Arc 1 Chapter 46 – Take a big breath, play it cool!48 Chapter 48 Arc 1 Chapter 47 – The harem had to be cleanly and completely emptied!49 Chapter 49 Arc 1 Chapter 48 – Could it be that his baby... feared his power 50 Chapter 50 Arc 1 Chapter 49 – Won't make it in time!51 Chapter 51 Arc 1 Chapter 50 – So soft. So fragrant. <352 Chapter 52 Arc 1 Chapter 51 – Don't leave my side53 Chapter 53 Arc 1 Chapter 52 – You are my... family54 Chapter 54 Arc 1 Chapter 53 – If not my baby, I don't give a shit55 Chapter 55 Arc 1 Chapter 54 – Do you need me to send rescue 56 Chapter 56 Arc 1 Chapter 55 – A perfect husband and father57 Chapter 57 Arc 1 Chapter 56 – Major Clue 58 Chapter 58 Arc 1 Chapter 57 – An unknown substance or a new type of power 59 Chapter 59 Arc 1 Chapter 58 – Attracting bees and butterflies60 Chapter 60 Arc 1 Chapter 59 – Targeting the bride61 Chapter 61 Arc 1 Chapter 60 – Mentally challenged62 Chapter 62 Arc 1 Chapter 61 – I am single63 Chapter 63 Arc 1 Chapter 62 – Life and death!64 Chapter 64 Arc 1 Chapter 63 – Breaking point65 Chapter 65 Arc 1 Chapter 64 – Together or nothing.66 Chapter 66 Arc 1 Chapter 65 – Even little boys shouldn't be touched there!!67 Chapter 67 Arc 1 Chapter 66 – Nothing wrong with being gay68 Chapter 68 Arc 1 Chapter 67 – Bad, bad brother-in-law!69 Chapter 69 Arc 1 Chapter 68 – Lifesaving spam70 Chapter 70 Arc 1 Chapter 69 – Recruit him by all means71 Chapter 71 Arc 1 Chapter 70 – Overbearing and domineering CEO aura72 Chapter 72 Arc 1 Chapter 71 – Too late73 Chapter 73 Arc 1 Chapter 72 – The Collapse74 Chapter 74 Arc 1 Chapter 73 – Please, breathe!75 Chapter 75 Arc 1 Chapter 74 – Heal, heal, and heal76 Chapter 76 Arc 1 Chapter 75 – Painful77 Chapter 77 Arc 1 Chapter 76 – Pure and touching brotherhood78 Chapter 78 Arc 1 Chapter 77 – Isn't this so-called great love too cheap 79 Chapter 79 Arc 1 Chapter 78 – A hug is the chicken soup for the soul!80 Chapter 80 Arc 1 Chapter 79 – A madman81 Chapter 81 Arc 1 Chapter 80 – You are indispensable, indispensable to me!82 Chapter 82 Arc 1 Chapter 81 – I love you83 Chapter 83 Arc 1 Chapter 82 – First love confession84 Chapter 84 Arc 1 Chapter 83 – Marriage falling through 85 Chapter 85 Arc 1 Chapter 84 – Close familial bonds or a messy love triangle 86 Chapter 86 Arc 1 Chapter 85 – Brother, I had already taken a bite out of that!87 Chapter 87 Arc 1 Chapter 86 – Sold! No take-backs!!88 Chapter 88 Arc 1 Chapter 87 – Love, love, love my baby 'properly' <389 Chapter 89 Arc 1 Chapter 88 – A married couple hosting a guest in their home90 Chapter 90 Arc 1 Chapter 89 – Codename Swiftrain91 Chapter 91 Arc 1 Chapter 90 – Rigged game92 Chapter 92 Arc 1 Chapter 91 – Flirting with him93 Chapter 93 Arc 1 Chapter 92 – A bit sweet, a bit sour, but all parts moved94 Chapter 94 Arc 1 Chapter 93 – He liked Astar Levi, really liked him95 Chapter 95 Arc 1 Chapter 94 – Worldborn are asexual, right 96 Chapter 96 Arc 1 Chapter 95 – Small yet sensitive bud97 Chapter 97 Arc 1 Chapter 96 – The engagement is off98 Chapter 98 Arc 1 Chapter 97 – Breakup message99 Chapter 99 Arc 1 Chapter 98 – Dead possum100 Chapter 100 Arc 1 Chapter 99 – Throw in the towel