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Soul Shard Captor [BL]

Chapter 8 Arc 1 Chapter 7 – It's an accident for sure!

Word Count: 1189    |    Released on: 19/06/2024

to pity the bodyguard, do you? (ꐦ ◠

added, "It's ok! I'm totally read

t quite the respo

g again, and the absolute silence turned into a chaotic mess o

oah took over. The invisible barrier Trey kept up on Noah at all times push

rey as he threw out, "Trey! Are you

g a protective bubble to guard its target against outside threats - not to trap its target within a bubble. However, high ranked Shielders that

ely responded in his

hield the Blazer

thfully followed the commands of his superior; even if those co

a time, Blazers could only control one connected area of fire at a time, and Shielders could only have one shield active at a t

t were previously shooting everywhere w

hield, the rushing crowd no longer avoided their path. They madly ran straig

ckened his pace to run in front of Noah in ord

e had received all of Aris's 18 years of memories just now, even those memories that Aris might not have been able to recall himsel

it, high specs; his learning ability was first class. It took mere

immediately, unruly currents showing sig

never run into such a thing before. Soothing was like healing of the mind, it was beneficial to the person being soothed, it should never

o mental capacity to resist his Soothing. Which meant that the reason for his r

crystalline sweat appearing on his white fo

ed, briefly flashing with a cold

s reverse their soothing. A reverse soothing could directly cause everything that it was supposed to fix. In fact, th

plain why the Blazer was unable to regain his wits, devolving into a w

someone else's power, that would explain why his me

tion left and right, searching fo

e. It wasn't something they could control intentionally, nor could they prevent thems

e city, there was no way another Soother

f another Soother, but he did catch a sha

ah to the ground. Trey's big strong arms wrapped Noah int

radled in a warm and comfortable embrace. Though Noah had no mind to appreciate t

ave been your head." Blackie responded rather gleefully, the amus

t?!? Why is there a sniper after my head?!?" If he had known someone was eyeing his h

is. He went and died all on his own."

ng to doubt just how accid

As annoying as it might be, ensuring you don't die do

Can't hit the head? No problem! Just hit anoth

moment, but the silence wa

is free of charge. ^_^" B

received 1,000 middle

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1 Chapter 1 Info2 Chapter 2 Arc 1 Chapter 1 – God Is that you 3 Chapter 3 Arc 1 Chapter 2 – My entire life is a lie!!!4 Chapter 4 Arc 1 Chapter 3 – Hold on, I've got some ethical concerns...5 Chapter 5 Arc 1 Chapter 4 – But, what's the catch 6 Chapter 6 Arc 1 Chapter 5 – Blackie, you've changed!7 Chapter 7 Arc 1 Chapter 6 – He who died on his first day on the job8 Chapter 8 Arc 1 Chapter 7 – It's an accident for sure!9 Chapter 9 Arc 1 Chapter 8 – Quick! Give me a doughnut!10 Chapter 10 Arc 1 Chapter 9 – Profound thoughts, I tell you!11 Chapter 11 Arc 1 Chapter 10 – Say what ! I have to do what !12 Chapter 12 Arc 1 Chapter 11 – Hey there, brother-in-law!13 Chapter 13 Arc 1 Chapter 12 – Here, kitty, kitty <314 Chapter 14 Arc 1 Chapter 13 – Ah, really want to bully him!15 Chapter 15 Arc 1 Chapter 14 – Eating or being eaten16 Chapter 16 Arc 1 Chapter 15 – You ditched me to go on a date ! 17 Chapter 17 Arc 1 Chapter 16 – What do you mean cabbage you've raised !18 Chapter 18 Arc 1 Chapter 17 – The difference between a main male lead and side leads19 Chapter 19 Arc 1 Chapter 18 – Cabbage stealing pig - die, die, die!!20 Chapter 20 Arc 1 Chapter 19 – This bro is talented21 Chapter 21 Arc 1 Chapter 20 – Are you gay test22 Chapter 22 Arc 1 Chapter 21 – Mn, kittens are definitely the cutest23 Chapter 23 Arc 1 Chapter 22 – No kisses before marriage!24 Chapter 24 Arc 1 Chapter 23 – Don't go back on your word later25 Chapter 25 Arc 1 Chapter 24 – Are you trying to collect a full Cordia family set !26 Chapter 26 Arc 1 Chapter 25 – How could you go and die like this ! 27 Chapter 27 Arc 1 Chapter 26 – Not.... so rough, ah! ...It... is my first time... <328 Chapter 28 Arc 1 Chapter 27 – Why me, great deity! 29 Chapter 29 Arc 1 Chapter 28 – Fuck! Had he fallen for his own little brother-in-law ! 30 Chapter 30 Arc 1 Chapter 29 – Asking to be pushed down and fucked thoroughly...31 Chapter 31 Arc 1 Chapter 30 – Ram it straight into that tight little hole!32 Chapter 32 Arc 1 Chapter 31 – How could his baby be so cute 33 Chapter 33 Arc 1 Chapter 32 – Dare make life difficult for my baby Off with their heads!34 Chapter 34 Arc 1 Chapter 33 – Don't worry! I am completely healthy, absolutely no STDs!35 Chapter 35 Arc 1 Chapter 34 – Definitely can't handle that much stimulation!!36 Chapter 36 Arc 1 Chapter 35 – Did you do something with your hair 37 Chapter 37 Arc 1 Chapter 36 – So much for resolving the situation quietly...38 Chapter 38 Arc 1 Chapter 37 – Hehe, sister, you are welcome!39 Chapter 39 Arc 1 Chapter 38 – Must be small and cute and pink40 Chapter 40 Arc 1 Chapter 39 – ...future husband You mean wife 41 Chapter 41 Arc 1 Chapter 40 – How about I show you just how hard I can blow 42 Chapter 42 Arc 1 Chapter 41 – Bro, can't we solve this peacefully ! 43 Chapter 43 Arc 1 Chapter 42 – My baby's first kiss!!44 Chapter 44 Arc 1 Chapter 43 – ...sitting very snugly in his embrace45 Chapter 45 Arc 1 Chapter 44 – There is hope for you yet!46 Chapter 46 Arc 1 Chapter 45 – Did you hurt yourself on the stick 47 Chapter 47 Arc 1 Chapter 46 – Take a big breath, play it cool!48 Chapter 48 Arc 1 Chapter 47 – The harem had to be cleanly and completely emptied!49 Chapter 49 Arc 1 Chapter 48 – Could it be that his baby... feared his power 50 Chapter 50 Arc 1 Chapter 49 – Won't make it in time!51 Chapter 51 Arc 1 Chapter 50 – So soft. So fragrant. <352 Chapter 52 Arc 1 Chapter 51 – Don't leave my side53 Chapter 53 Arc 1 Chapter 52 – You are my... family54 Chapter 54 Arc 1 Chapter 53 – If not my baby, I don't give a shit55 Chapter 55 Arc 1 Chapter 54 – Do you need me to send rescue 56 Chapter 56 Arc 1 Chapter 55 – A perfect husband and father57 Chapter 57 Arc 1 Chapter 56 – Major Clue 58 Chapter 58 Arc 1 Chapter 57 – An unknown substance or a new type of power 59 Chapter 59 Arc 1 Chapter 58 – Attracting bees and butterflies60 Chapter 60 Arc 1 Chapter 59 – Targeting the bride61 Chapter 61 Arc 1 Chapter 60 – Mentally challenged62 Chapter 62 Arc 1 Chapter 61 – I am single63 Chapter 63 Arc 1 Chapter 62 – Life and death!64 Chapter 64 Arc 1 Chapter 63 – Breaking point65 Chapter 65 Arc 1 Chapter 64 – Together or nothing.66 Chapter 66 Arc 1 Chapter 65 – Even little boys shouldn't be touched there!!67 Chapter 67 Arc 1 Chapter 66 – Nothing wrong with being gay68 Chapter 68 Arc 1 Chapter 67 – Bad, bad brother-in-law!69 Chapter 69 Arc 1 Chapter 68 – Lifesaving spam70 Chapter 70 Arc 1 Chapter 69 – Recruit him by all means71 Chapter 71 Arc 1 Chapter 70 – Overbearing and domineering CEO aura72 Chapter 72 Arc 1 Chapter 71 – Too late73 Chapter 73 Arc 1 Chapter 72 – The Collapse74 Chapter 74 Arc 1 Chapter 73 – Please, breathe!75 Chapter 75 Arc 1 Chapter 74 – Heal, heal, and heal76 Chapter 76 Arc 1 Chapter 75 – Painful77 Chapter 77 Arc 1 Chapter 76 – Pure and touching brotherhood78 Chapter 78 Arc 1 Chapter 77 – Isn't this so-called great love too cheap 79 Chapter 79 Arc 1 Chapter 78 – A hug is the chicken soup for the soul!80 Chapter 80 Arc 1 Chapter 79 – A madman81 Chapter 81 Arc 1 Chapter 80 – You are indispensable, indispensable to me!82 Chapter 82 Arc 1 Chapter 81 – I love you83 Chapter 83 Arc 1 Chapter 82 – First love confession84 Chapter 84 Arc 1 Chapter 83 – Marriage falling through 85 Chapter 85 Arc 1 Chapter 84 – Close familial bonds or a messy love triangle 86 Chapter 86 Arc 1 Chapter 85 – Brother, I had already taken a bite out of that!87 Chapter 87 Arc 1 Chapter 86 – Sold! No take-backs!!88 Chapter 88 Arc 1 Chapter 87 – Love, love, love my baby 'properly' <389 Chapter 89 Arc 1 Chapter 88 – A married couple hosting a guest in their home90 Chapter 90 Arc 1 Chapter 89 – Codename Swiftrain91 Chapter 91 Arc 1 Chapter 90 – Rigged game92 Chapter 92 Arc 1 Chapter 91 – Flirting with him93 Chapter 93 Arc 1 Chapter 92 – A bit sweet, a bit sour, but all parts moved94 Chapter 94 Arc 1 Chapter 93 – He liked Astar Levi, really liked him95 Chapter 95 Arc 1 Chapter 94 – Worldborn are asexual, right 96 Chapter 96 Arc 1 Chapter 95 – Small yet sensitive bud97 Chapter 97 Arc 1 Chapter 96 – The engagement is off98 Chapter 98 Arc 1 Chapter 97 – Breakup message99 Chapter 99 Arc 1 Chapter 98 – Dead possum100 Chapter 100 Arc 1 Chapter 99 – Throw in the towel