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Moonlit Fae


Word Count: 1428    |    Released on: 22/06/2024

ed, scooping a generous portion onto my plate. I added a refreshing bottle of water to my tray, the condensation beading on the glass a stark cont

o be found. The familiar pang of anxiety began to resurface, memories of my past trauma threatening to overwhelm me. My heart raced as a sense of claustrophobia cl

distracted me from the danger lurking ahead. Natasha's foot shot out, deliberately blocking my path. I didn't stand a chance. My tray went flying, its contents splattering in all directions. Time seemed to slow as I watched

Time stood still as I felt myself being lifted back up, my tray miraculously caught in his other hand with everything that flew in different directions, splendidly intact. I gazed up in wonder, my eyes locking onto

is voice low and husky, sen

now miraculously intact. Our fingers touched, spar

hispered, my voi

o mind your step in the future," he said, his voice low and smooth as he shot a sideways glance at Natasha, his tone d

eceded into a serene silence, leaving only the pulsing rhythm of my heart and the tantalizing promise of a connection that seemed destined. The world around us dissolved, leavi

flashing with unwarranted concern as h

n his heel and strode purposefully towards the cafeteria counter, leaving me wondering at his sudden departure. As Austin and I made our way back to our table, he shot Natash

imed, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson as she struggled to con

eyes wide with wonder. "I've never seen anyone move

of soda in hand, his smirk still lingering on his lips as he caught my eye. I felt my face

as well?" Mike's response was swift and merciless, shatteri

phatically as he struggled to contain his ire. His expression w

aken that fall," Anna said, her agitation apparent as she shot Natasha

rred, her eyes flashing with disdain a

ill tingling from the touch of his hands on my torso. The sensation sent shivers down my spine. As I gazed at the siblings, I noticed they w

or something?" I asked, my curiosity piqu

d in a tragic car crash, and they've been under their grandmother's care since they were young." I was amazed by her knowledge, wondering if she'd studied the Ikenga family tree or had a secret fascination with them. As

want to admit it out loud. Since I'd set foot on school grounds, Austin had been hovering over me like a protective guardian, which was sweet but unnecessary. I wasn't a fragile damsel in distress. Still, to appease his

my attention. Austin, with his warm smile and enthusiastic wave, greeted me like an old friend, his energy infect

wed the rows, searching for the lone empty seat, and my heart skipped a beat as I spotted it - the front row, directly in front of t

ity coursing through me. Little did I know, this chance pairing would set the stage for a

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