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Moonlit Fae


Word Count: 2522    |    Released on: 22/06/2024

. I sprang out of bed and rushed to the window, throwing it open to let in the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the melodic ch

ngs, and he asked about my night, to which I replied with a smile, "It was good, normal, nothing special."

y aromas filling the kitchen. My father's eyes lit up as I presented the meal, and he devoured each bite with relish, his

beauty of the day, before getting into my car and driving to school. As I arrived, I spotted the siblings emerging from their sleek BMW, their faces radiant in the sun

tensity at the mere thought. Shaking off the distraction, I refocused on my mundane routine. In English class, our teacher droned on, assigning us outdated novels that seemed to gather dust on the shelves. I made a mental note to venture into tow

her students engaged in hushed conversations, their voices a gentle hum in the background. Meanwhile, my mind was

sity that lay beneath. He was clad in a black shirt and ash-gray trousers, also carrying a black suit case, his attire sleek and sophisticated. But my eyes widened in shock as I took in his face - the same face I had seen on the plane, the one that had left me with a lasting sense of disgust and unease. But something was different, how could this be? The man on the plane was old, with graying hair and a worn expression, his eyes sunken and his

Gilbert, you can call me Mr Gilbert"

said as she walked out of the class, majestically. Mr Gi

ng through pages, he began to teach. As Mr. Gilbert began to teach, his words dripped like honey, sweet and soothing, but my attention was fixated on him, my eyes

nsure a flawless finish? I dismissed the idea, my thoughts whirling like a vortex. Next, I considered the possibility that he possessed some sort of mystical ability to reverse his age, but I quickly scrapped that notion - it was utterly absurd. That left only one plausible explanation: facial surgery. Yes, that had to be it. I couldn

on a girl, her fingers furiously typing away on her phone, her eyes fixed on the screen with a l

e being addressed. She tentatively raised her hand, pointing to herself in a silent question. "Yes, you," Mr. Gilbert growled, his eyes narrowing. "Stand up." The gi

he snapped, his words hangin

room, his gaze piercing as he commanded, "Now, everyone, turn off your phones and put them away this instant!" The students scrambled to obey, their faces pale and nervous. Meanwhile, I shot him a look of dis

ys ago?" My words hung in the air like a challenge, and Mr. Gilbert's smile slowly wilted like a flower in frost. His eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing as he tried to process how I knew about his flight. "I don't see how that's relevant to our lesson," he began, his tone cautious, "but..." His voice trailed off as I dropped the bombsh

ching, and your...actions, were quite...enlightening," I continued, my words laced with disdain. "Interesting enough to be downright disgusting." Mr. Gilbert's eyes flashed with anger, his gaze burning into me like a laser. I could see the tension i

eyes glinting with an otherworldly intensity. He dropped his hand from his forehead, his movements eerily deliberate, and reached for his suitcase. "Why don't we fix this problem, then?" he hissed, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

e the devil's own tongue. The words sent shivers down my spine, and I felt a creeping sense of dread. The apple began to writhe and twist in his hand, its flesh

pets. My heart raced, my breath caught in my throat. I was paralyzed with fear, my eyes fixed on the monster before me. He took a ste

ivers down my spine, and I trembled like a leaf. 'Spell'... what sorcery was he talking about?! "Or are you the one... he sent me to find?" His voice was laced with a sinister intent, and he leaned in closer, his hot breath on my skin. He grasped my chin, turning my head from side to side, examining me like a

es glinting with an otherworldly intensity as he began to walk towards the front of the class. 'Old age'... the words gave me goosebumps, and I realized that my second previous scenario might not have been e

s as he turned around, his eyes fixed on me like a predator. He pulled out another apple from his suitcase, his words dripping with dark magic. The apple rotted and vanished into thin air just like the first one, and he spoke in a voice that sent shi

ing you wouldn't remember," he whispered, his voice dripping with dark magic. He snapped his fingers, and a sudden wave of dizziness wash

aw the concerned faces of my classmates. I was in class, but something was off. I never slept in class, no matter how boring it was. But today, I had blacked out. "Miss Ivy, sleeping in my class is highl

that's unlike me. Well that'

bered ev

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