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Erotic Romance

Chapter 5 Story 5

Word Count: 2085    |    Released on: 24/06/2024

test guys around. He took such great care of her. He fulfilled all h

him. Playing doctor was one of her favorites. But then, that was because he made it so real. He h

for her, with a note for her to undress, put it on, and wait. She had used the l

to wait long. It was cold in the room, and her nipples were getting hard from the chill. She

soon. She wondered if he would make her wait long. She hoped not, the need

s wearing a lab coat, fully buttoned. She allowed her eyes to scan him, taking in the stethoscope around hi

in his eye. "I think I am running a fever, I always seem to be hot, and some

r anything." she blushed redder now. "Well, let's start by letting me listen to your heart" Taking th

her lungs he instructed her "And now, breathe in, and out." Placing it back around his neck h

and nodded, unable to answer. "Well, young lady, you seem to have abused your throat, so I will be unable to take your temperature that way." he admonished her. "Stand up and bend o

xcuse me?" she asked, not sure if he had said something. "Nothing, little one, now bend over the table." he instructed. "Rest your arms on

ld" he warned her. Moving the gown completely off her butt, he allowed his fingers to brush alo

most all the way out. Then he began to slide it in again. "How's that?" he asked. "Umm, it could go in a little more." she replied. With that he pushe

wear I didn't pee myself" she whispered. "Hmm, let me see." With a final twist of the thermomete

ent room lights. "Now, I can do this exam with a glove, but your skin will probably have a react

eplied quickly. He smiled to himself, happy with her choice. He reached be

rst he put his hand in front of her face. He then instructed her to sniff. "Smell how sweet that is?" he aske

eard him sucking, she would want a tas

concerned about this fever of yours." With that, he reached dow

Looking down at the thermometer in his hand he shook his head. "Oh, no, am I sick?" she asked worriedly. "I can't tell

om two buttons on his lab coat, allowing his al

ing his cock in his fist, he pumped it a few times and then pressed it to the opening. "Now I know this is going

dored the way that she got so totally caug

s. "Ohh! Oh my God!! It is sooo big!" she cr

he fucked her ass, she stayed tight. Staying as still as he could, waiti

ut the friction it caused only fanned the flames inside him. With great difficu

er moan, he reversed and began to slide back in. It was easier this time, while she was stil

spoke to her. "Little one, in order to get a true temperature, I am going to have to take several rea

then moving again. With each thrust forward, his balls slapped against her clit rubbing it against the drawer handle.

. Stopping at different points, rotating his hips, causing

ay out. Unable to stop herself, she moaned at the loss of his rock hard shaft. Smiling

s need growing within. The cool air brushed against the wetness on his balls from h

you write me a prescription?" she asked. Placing his hand on her shoulder to prevent her from rising he said, "No little one, this medicine is an in

ly. "Umm, okay" she replied, tensing. "This will hurt a little," he warned her. With that

t last much longer. He worked his already straining cock in and out of he ut

splashed into her ass. The pleasure of it, combined with the friction o

ntinued jack hammering his shaft into her as he spasmed his creamy load out and dee

rward. Lying against her back,

mal reaction to that medicine?" "Well, normally it is not so intense, but yes, it is an expected reaction." he replied, still breathing h

and ground her clit agains

the room, he whispered in her ear. "I love you baby." Knowing that was her cue, and she now had permission to resume

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