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Word Count: 2498    |    Released on: 24/06/2024

eck on Emilia . She knocks on her door and gets no response,then she opens the door and goes into the room. She doesn't see Emilia in the bed room so she checks in the bathro

. Emilia also tells her that she would return home soon once her mission was

is, Emilia ran away. We have to find her Chris" Avril informs Chris crying. C

he oli factory. Emilia asks Mika where they are heading to and Mika tells her that they are going to Erie. Emilia pleads with her to let her visit Janet before they leave. James objects to it telling her that i

onsoles her telling her that Janet would be fine and would wake up soon. Emilia asks her why she and James didn't tell her that everything she saw that night was real and not a nightmare. She tells her

tells her that it was time for them to get going. Emilia gives Janet a peak on her for

his phone from his pocket and calls his head of security,he tells him about Emilia's disappearance,he or

Emilia's disappearance. Avril asks him if Emilia said anything to him and he replies no. Cecil t

ay from them to make the call. She dails Cecil's number but Cecil doesn't pick the call,she tries his number for that second time and prays he picks up which he does. Cecil asks who was on the line. Emilia replies that it was her,she asks him if he was alone and he says yes. Cecil asks her where she was so he could come pick her up,he tells her Avril and Chris are so worried about her. Emilia tells him that she was fine and would be back as soon as she is true with her mission . She tells him to inform Avril not to worry about her. Avril who was with Ce

ome. Mika places her right hand on the wall and recites a spell as the wall disappears creating a passage to another realm. " Come on " Mika tells Emilia and crosses over to the other s

f security at his company. They successfully track down the owner of the phone and question her. The lady tells them that Emilia asked her for her to make a call. They ask her if she knows Emilia's where about and she replies "no" that they only meet in

friend,he also introduces Mika and Emilia to the man but doesn't disclose Emilia's true identity to him. The man by name Marcus welcomes them to his house and tells them to feel saf. " You all must be hungry and tired dinner is on fire and would soon be served he informs them. He takes Emilia and Mika to a room which they are to share and leaves them to settle in. A knock is heard on the door, Marcus opens the door and a lady steps in he closes it door. Marcus tell

James at first but Mika proves it him. She informs him that she is a seer and she has read Emilia's future. Marcus and Eleanor are glad that queen sorsha is back. Marcus explains to them he got information that the general is a disciple of lavender and that he practices black magic which is forbidden in the kingdom. He also tells Them that people has been missing mysteriously without a trace. Eleanor ask

r. Emilia pleads with her to let her go with Eleanor as sh feels bored at home. Eleanor assures Mika that they would not stay

irl who was running bumps into her and falls down. Emilia asks the little girl if she was okay and helps her up. The girl nods yes and Emilia Pat's her on her head. The girl runs off. " So cute" Emilia says and catches up with Eleanor. They get

ames when he walked in and James tells her he just came in . James asks her if she okay and she replies that she misses her family. James tells her that he knows how hard it is for her

utiful stories of the city and how she ruled with wisdom and grace. They f

middle of the kingdom,she sees something enter into the house through the window,she goes and watches the house closely. The person comes out of the house carrying a little girl on his shoulder, Emilia figures out the person is man through his stature. She stalks the man. The man notices that someone is following him,he drops the girl on the ground and runs off. Emilia seeing that the ran away goes to on the little girl. She holds the little girl in her arms. She recognizes the girl as

n danger again. James puts his shirt on. They are about to leave the house Marcus comes in and asks them what was going on. James tells him that Emilia is in danger . Marcus offers to help them as he knows his way about in the kingdom. The three leave the

as she haults. The beast walks towards her as she moves back,she trips and falls. The beast raises

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