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Love And Spotlight

Chapter 6 Disastrous Conference

Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 03/07/2024

grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV. The screen flickered to life, immediately filled with

ce strained and his eyes darting nervously. "I'm cooperating fully with the authoriti

r. He looked like a man drowning in deep wa

'll call you back." He ended the call before Tom could protest, hi

n, moved closer to the TV. "Is that Ed

y a commotion on the screen. A reporter had stood up,

nd accusatory, "how do you explain this audio recording t

reporter hit play. A familiar voice,

. I want to let loose, to do something crazy. And I want to do it

n horror as Edwin's carefully constructed defense crumbled before his eyes. The acto

d, shaking his head. "Tha

n well, but the man he'd talked with last night – confused, vulnerab

ance muttered, more to

t isn't right? Sounds pretty clear cut to

g in his gut. "You don't understand. I spent hours with him last n

"Wait a minute. Is this why you didn't come bail me

explosion of anger. But to his su

hter. "I got left in the slammer so you could babysit a mov

that his friend seemed to be taking it better t

ou will. But right now, I want to hear everything. How the hel

Edwin's rapidly unraveling press conference. The actor looked shell-shocked, barely

in stammered, sweat beading on his forehead. "I d

conversation?" another reporter shouted. "Just like yo

ounder. It was like witnessing a car crash in slow m

" Lance said quietly, in

attention, looked at him incredulously. "

uation feels off. The guy I talked to last night... he was genuinely lost, De

no. I know that look. That's your 'I'm about to do something stupid and noble

lence was a

rs and staring intently into his eyes. "This is not our circus, and that is

s being ushered away from the podium by his frantic-looking

," Lance said softly. "Not when I migh

ere we go! Lance Castellan, professional quarterb

elp but crack a smile. "Hey, if this football thing doesn't

. If you're determined to dive headfirst into this dumpster fire, I guess I'd better

o a grin. "Thanks, Dev. I

his eyes. "But you're still on the hook for leaving me in jail. I'm th

ned back to the TV, where pundits were already dissecti

excitement at the prospect of unraveling this mystery, and a touch of fear at what they might unco

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