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Chapter 4 Decision and departures

Word Count: 2262    |    Released on: 29/06/2024

al had filled her with a mix of joy and apprehension. They had decided to wait until after the baby was bor

and guilt gnawed at her heart. She knew she needed to talk to him, to explain why she had chosen to rebuild

uzzed with a message from Ryan. "Can we meet tomor

replied, "Of course.

ur spot," Ry

d the difficult conversation that lay ahead. She knew she owed him an expla

tsteps heavy with uncertainty. Ryan was waiting for her by

, her voice trembli

nd. "I know why you chose Ethan," he s

the resignation in his

acceptance. "You love him," he said simply. "And I... I

ed for his hand. "You've been so good to me

unspoken feelings hanging heavy in the air. Lena knew she had hurt Ryan deeply, and she wished there was a w

ething," Ryan said suddenly, h

rt aching with regret. "Any

and the baby," Ryan said earnestly. "Promise m

ming down her cheeks. "I

int smile playing on his lips. "

arting ways with a bittersweet farewell. Lena watched Ryan walk away, his figur

tended prenatal classes together, learning about childbirth and newborn care. They decorated the nurse

s that haunted her. She missed Ryan's friendship and the easy camaraderie they had shared. S

er phone, she came across a picture of her and Ryan at a school dance. Her heart ach

nly, breaking the comfort

k, concern furrowing his

rely above a whisper. "I miss our friendship, t

d in his. "It's okay to miss him," he said

eyes. "I know, but... I feel guilty, E

ose. "You made the right choice, Lena. We're b

ging between them. Ethan's words offered a measure of comfort, but

ded childbirth classes together, practicing relaxation techniques and learning about the stages o

ospital, his hands steady on the wheel despite his own nerves. They arrived at t

ds of encouragement as she pushed through each contraction. Finally, after what felt lik

heir daughter in her arms. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she

han whispered, his voi

es as parents. They took turns feeding and changing Emily, marveling at the wonder of parenthood. Despite the sleepless nights and the challenges of adjusting to their new life, they felt a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. One afternoon, as Lena sat in the nursery with Emily asleep in her arms, she heard a knock on the door. She looked up to

've missed you too, Lena. And I... I wanted

tightly. "There's nothing to apologize for," she whispered. "You

rting and familiar. "I just want you to

ed the future. Lena knew that her journey with Ethan and Emily was just beginning, but having Ryan b

ing side by side. She knew that they would face challenges ahead, but with love and forgiven

eding words." Ethan squeezed her hand gently, his eyes full of understanding. "Maybe it's time to reach out to him," he suggested. "To talk things through and find closure." Lena nodded slowly, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. She knew Ethan was right; she needed to confront her feelings and find a way to make peace with the past. Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind. "I think I will," Lena said finally, her voice steadying. Ethan smiled warmly. "I'll be here for you, no matter what," he assured her. Later that afternoon, Lena sat down at her desk and pulled out her phone. With trembling fingers, she dialed Ryan's number and pressed call. The phone rang several times before Ryan's voice came through. "Hello?" "Ryan," Lena said softly, her heart racing. "It's Lena." There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Ryan replied, "Lena... hi." "I've been thinking," Lena began hesitantly. "About us, about everything that happened." Ryan was silent for a moment, his breathing audible through the phone. "I've been thinking too," he admitted quietly. Lena took a deep breath. "I miss you, Ryan," she confessed, her voice catching with emotion. "I miss our friendship, the way we used to talk for hours and understand each other without saying a word." "I miss you too, Lena," Ryan replied softly. "More than you know." Tears welled up in Lena's eyes as she listened to the sincerity in Ryan's voice. "I want us to be okay," she said earnestly. "I want to find a way to move forward, as friends." Ryan sighed, the weight of their shared history evident in his voice. "I want that too, Lena," he murmured. "But it's going to take time." Lena nodded, even though Ryan couldn't see her. "I understand," she said quietly. "I just... I needed to te

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