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Forgive Us

Chapter 4 Asher's POV

Word Count: 1307    |    Released on: 29/06/2024


whatsoever. I continued to search for her with the help of my brothers. We all agreed that we needed to become better to honour our sister and our mother. We got help together and individually so if Macey ever did come back, we could prove we

r forgiveness before he died. I didn't want to do it at first, what could he possibly say to Macey to make up for what he had done? Eventually, I agreed so the boys and I had ramped up our search for her. Macey needed to hear what he had to say for her sake not his. He h

elp her with her healing because we all knew there would be trauma from what had happened in that house. We had worked with a counsellor and re

ng "Asher speaking" I said into my phone without checking the caller ID. "She changed her name" Tyler rushed out. "What? What are you talking about?" I asked

told me. "Do you have a number I could call her on?" I asked. "I just texted you her number which I managed to get from her university" Tyler replied.

ang the number which went to the message


again to convince her to come back and see their dying father. Asher had the phone on loudspeaker so his brothe

ey please don't hang up. It's Asher" Asher replied. "Fuck. How the hell did you get my number?" Macey fumed out. "Tyler, M

personal information is illegal" Macey yelled before hanging up the phone. "Well, that went well" Dies

Tyler stated. "OK give me your phone and block your number she might answer then," Asher said t

ted ringing "Hello" Macey answered. "Mace it's Dad he is dying" Asher rushed out. "And?" Macey asked. "He wants to see you" Asher replied

to her and so was Dad. Maybe we should just let her be" Diesel said. "No, she has a right to answers and thi

that in the past. Who are we to make her relive it?" Diesel stated. Diesel didn't want to face his sister at all. He n

ing you. You heard her on the phone, she could barely speak to you for a minute" Diesel argued. "Right well, I'm going to go speak to her in person. She will change her mind once she knows how s

ow does Friday work for you all?" Asher asked his brothers. "Fine, I have days owing to me" Tyler answered. "Yeh I'll let my boss know I need the day off for a family matter" Diesel stated. "OK, we will leave early. Tyler grabbed the address for w

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