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The Waif of the "Cynthia"

Chapter 7 Vanda's Opinion

Word Count: 3372    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

known any other. He was always the first to rise and prepare the boat for his adopted father, who found every morning all the arrangements completed, and he had o

the tongue, which is a most delicate morsel; then the head, then the bones, before placing them in the reservoir, where they receive their first salting. Whatever thei

said the lad to him, naively. "You only seem to be in your elem

, however, he would revert to the subject himself, and try to prove to Otto, o

heard," the other would

uld turn away an

manual labor. When these thoughts came to him he fought against them with all his might. He did not wish an

e beginning of the spring, only se

nd to Otto, and had gone out to fish alone. The weather was stormy, and the sky very cloudy for the time of the year. The two young

l a roaring in my ears as if I were som

to bleed. Otto had a similar sensa

low," said Erik. "If I had time I

r work is nearly done, and even if you we

now why the state of the atmosphere should

he school, he met Mr.

e sea. I was just going to inquire. The barometer has fallen with such rapidity during the last

ed with a cloud as black as ink, which spread rapidly in all directions, and obscured every object with great swiftness. Then suddenly, after an

icane ha

d the boat-houses without exception were carried away and destroyed by the wind. In the fiord, which was usually as calm as a well in a c

ne of the most extraordinary and disastrous that ever was known upon the Atlantic coast. These great changes of the atmosphere are now generally announced beforehand by the telegraph. Most

coasts, in the fishing-hamlets, the num

tas" in France, there were r

most often to the western coast of a large island which was about two miles distant, beyond the entrance to the fiord. It was the spot where he had first seen Erik. They hoped that during the temp

a boat of one of their neighbors, in order to go in search of him. Mr. Malarius insisted upon accompanying t

the west, and to reach the entrance to the harbor they were

the island which, formed the entrance to the fiord of Noroe, forming two currents, which came and went with such violence in the narrow pass tha

refore, was to return to Noroe, a

fiord, and would not believe that he had personally met with any disaster. That evening was a very sad one at all the firesides where a member was missing. As the night passed without any of the absent men

h the pass. A regular fleet of boats, composed of every one who could get away from Noroe, was ready to go in search of the absent men. Just at this moment several vesse

all the men had been in great peril. Some had been surprised by the cyclone and dashed upon the shore, others had t

rt in the expedition accompanied Erik and Otto. A large yellow dog begged so earnestly to go with them, that at length t

s to the left, to explore the shores of the innumerable islands which lie scattered

, no trace of Mr. Hersebom had been discovered. As the search had apparently been well

t having visited all the islands which lay toward the south, he now wished to explore those which

ached a large island, Kaas began suddenly to bark furiously; then before th

ward what appeared to be a human form lying extended upon the sand. They made all possible haste, and soon saw beyond a doubt that it was a man who w

on his knees beside the cold bod

I feel it be

t neglect any of the means which are usually tried in such cases. After taking off a large woolen girdle which he wore around his waist, he

The beating of the heart grew stronger, the chest rose, and a feeble respiration escaped through the l

arried him to the boat, where they hastily arranged a bed for him of

he said in

d grateful smile. But fatigue overcame him almost immediately, and he fell into a heavy sleep which resembled a complete lethargy. Thinking justly that the

he recovered consciousness. His injuries were not of a very grave nature. One of his arms was fractured, and his body was covered with wound and bru

y permitted him to speak and explain i

een broken into a thousand pieces and carried away by the waves. He had thrown himself into the sea to escape the frightful shock, when she struck, but in spi

n in an unconscious state, unable to move. He could give no account of the manner in whi

in splints. What would become of him, even admitting that he might be able to use his arm again after eight or te

ers. Besides, could he find work? It was very doubtful, for nobody in Noro

y upon his bed of pain; and he felt still worse when he was a

they had in the house, and by the sale of the salt cod-fish which still remained

that Mr. Hersebom had been discovered. How could he help feeling proud, when he saw Dame Katrina and Vanda look at him with intense

that he had been able to render his adopted family such an inestimable benefit was to him a thought full of sweetness and strength. This family, who had so generously shared with h

ecome a sailor? or was there some better occupation open to him, where he could be immediately useful to them. He resolved to con

t understand why you should condemn yourself to the life of a sailor, which would take you far away from them, when Doctor Schwaryencrona

he change which the cyclone of the 3d of March had made in the circumstances of Erik's family. He was not surprised, when three days

r read as


eck in this letter for 500 kroners; and I beg you to give them to him from me. Tell him if it is not enough to buy at Bergen a first-class boat, he must let me know without delay. He must name this boat 'Cynthia,' and then present it to Mr. Hersebom as a souvenir of filial love. That done, if Erik

Malarius, your sincer


ot refuse the boat from Erik's hand, and bearing the name of "Cynthia," which recalled how Erik had become a member of the family. Their only grief now, which already began to sadden all their countenances, was the thought that he must soon leave them again. Nobody dared to s

broke the reserve, and

not do it, because it would be treating him most ungratefully, and sinning against yourself. Your place is among scho

" said Mr. Malar

epeated Dame Katrin

the second time, Erik'

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