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The Waif of the "Cynthia"

The Waif of the "Cynthia"


Chapter 1 Mr. Malarius' Friend

Word Count: 2839    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

versally known than that of Dr. Schwaryencrona, of Stockholm. His portrait appears on

, a good and useful medicine; which is sold to the inhabitants of Norwa

process is a more scientific one, and the prince of thi

in. The engraving, perhaps, is not very fine, but it is certainly a striking likeness. A proof of this is wh

the right--occupied in following the demonstration which their teacher, Mr. Malarius, was making on the black-board. Sud

None of them had ever seen the new arrival before, but they all whispered when they saw him,

he children consequently could have beheld him in the flesh. In imagination it was another matter, for they often spoke of him in Noroe, and his ears must have often tingled, if the popular belief has any foundation. Be this as it may

shoulder of Mr. Malarius, and he was already stooping with age. He was also much thinner than the doctor, which made him appear twice as tall. His large brown overcoat, to which long use had given a greenish tint, hung loosely around him; he wore short breeches and shoes with buckles, and from beneath hi

and suffering. She would not have left her native village for the world, for she felt sure that she would die if they removed to the city. So Mr. Malarius had submitted gently to her wishes, and sacrificed his own prospects. He had accepted the humble duty of the village school-master, and when twenty years afterward Kristina had died, blessing him, he had become accustomed to his obscure and retired life, and did not care to change it. He was abs

at least they will have drunk from pure sources, and participated in the common patrimony of mankind." In more than one country this system would have been thought imprudent, and calculated to disgust the lowly with their humble lot in life, and lead them to wander away in search of adventures. But in Norway nobody thinks of these things. The patriarchal sweetne

ortion to her population, than any other region of Europe. The traveler is constantly astonished by the contrast between t

hreshold of the school. If the pupils had been quick to recognize him, although they had never seen

he visitor cordially, advancing with out

imidly, as is customary with all men who have lived secluded lives; and are interrup

, and smoked our long pipes at Christiania; have you forgotten ou

arius. "Is it possible.--Is it

y youth. Yes, I know you well. We have both changed a little in thirty years; but our hearts are still young, and we have alw

eezed the hands of Mr. Mala

said he; "I will give all these youngsters a holiday, for which they

ly interest. "I must neither interfere with your work, nor the studies of these youths. If you wish

mentioned a holiday, I do not like to disappoint the children. There is one way of arranging the matter however. If Doctor Schwaryencro

be only too happy to do so.

ster's seat, he ad

the doctor, "who

ered fifty youthful v

m. Well, Erik, wi

e was the more remarkable, because of the blonde heads by which he was surrounded. While all his companions of both sexes had hair the color of flax, rosy complexions, and blue eyes, his hair was of deep chestnut color, like his eyes, and his skin was

try of Bergen; but the delicacy of his limbs, the smallness of his head, the easy elegance of his pois

truck at once by these peculiarities, and

ion to these facts, and he simply proceeded

n--with grammar?" he

of the doctor," ans

not only in the Swedish language, but also in French and English. It was the usual custom of Mr. Mal

nglish then?" said the docto

f Greek and Latin. I do not s

ng, and Erik Hersebom translated

drunk by Socrates, and Mr. Malarius asked the doctor to q

it was one of the family of umbellifero

Erik demonstrated clearly a theorem relat

every moment more

" he said. "What sea is it which bounds Sca

he Arcti

does this ocean c

he west, and the P

ee of the most important

Melbourne, in Australia; San Fran

c, and on the other with the Pacific, do you not think that the shortes

le, but all navigators who have attempted to follow it have been prevented by i

mpted to discover the

ing the last three centur

ion a few of th

f his lieutenants, Chancellor, was at first successful, and opened a direct route through the Polar Sea. But he also, while making a second attempt, was shipwrecked, and perished. A captain, Stephen Borough, who was sen

ject was nevertheless revived by the Hollanders about fifteen years later, and

lso perished, in th

ry Hudson was sent o

e not more suc

e that period the north-east passage has been consider

een attempted s

e the coasts of Nova Zembla, the Sea of Kara, and the eastern and western coasts of Siberia. But, although these expeditions have made these places better known, they have also demonstrated the impossibility of forcing a passage through t

all hopes of discoverin

owever, that a great navigator, named Nordenskiold, wishes to make another attempt, after he has prepared himself by

his is why he had asked these questions about the north-east

Hersebom, with an expressi

is, my dear child?" he dema

red Erik, surprise

studied in any


f you, then," said the docto

tisfied with Erik,

I first took him he was very young, and he

on Erik, with a singular intensity. He seemed to be consi

tinue the examination," he said at last. "I will no longer delay your holida

s rose at once, collected their books, and arranged themsel

time. The column started, and marched ou

ke their ranks, and took t

e blue waters of the fiord, where might be see

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