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Love or luxury

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 976    |    Released on: 07/07/2024

er eyes flickered between Bella and Alex, a calculating look in her gaze. "Alex, I need to speak with you," she said, her tone brisk. "Of course, Victoria," Alex replied, h

ncial records. Your expertise will be crucial in uncovering the truth." Bella nodded, her determination hardening. "I'll get started right away." As she left the conference room, her mind was already racing with plans and strategies. The task ahead was daunting, but Bella was resolute. She would uncover the truth, no matter the cost. Over the next few days, Bella assembled a team and dove into the investigation. They worked tirelessly, sifting through mountains of data and uncovering discrepancies that painted a troubling picture. The evidence of fraud became increasingly clear, and Bella knew that their findings would have significant repercussions. One evening, as Bella was reviewing the latest reports, her phone buzzed with a message from Alex. He asked her to meet him in his office. She gathered her notes and made her way there, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. When she entered, Alex was standing by the window, his back to her. He turned as she approached, his expression a mix of concern and resolve. "Bella, what have you found?" he asked, his tone urgent. "We have enough evidence to confirm the fraud," Bella replied, handing him the reports. "The financial records were manipulated to inflate profits and hide losses. The merger would have been disastrous for us." Alex studied the reports, his jaw tightening. "This changes everything. We'll have to call off the merger and take legal action against the firm." Bella nodded, feeling a sense of vindication. "I'm just glad we uncovered the truth before it was too late." Alex looked up, his gaze intense. "You've done an incredible job, Bella. Your diligence and expertise have saved this company from a potentially catastrophic mistake." "Thank you, Alex," Bella said, her heart swelling with pri

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