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Billionaire's bride..

Chapter 2 Episode 2

Word Count: 1417    |    Released on: 07/07/2024

path. But now, her future seemed to be slipping through her fingers, dictated by circumstances beyond her control. The night air was cool as she stepped out onto the s

hesitated for a moment. "I want to maintain my personal freedom. I don't want to be monitored or controlled. This marriage will be a business arrangement, nothing more." "Understood," Alex said. "You have my word. This will be a partnership of equals." Olivia felt a strange mix of relief and apprehension. She was stepping into uncharted territory, but at least she was doing it on her terms. "Alright, Alex. I'll sign the contract." "Good," Alex said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "We'll meet tomorrow to finalize the details." As Olivia hung up the phone, she felt a sense of resolve. She was taking a step into the unknown, but she was doing it with her eyes wide open. She would face this challenge head-on, just as she had faced every other obstacle in her life. And she would not let Alexander Knight break her. --- The next evening, Olivia found herself once again standing in front of Alexander Knight's penthouse. This time, she felt a sense of determination. She was no longer a reluctant participant; she was a negotiator, ready to assert her terms. The doorman greeted her with a nod, and she stepped into the private elevator. As the doors closed, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. When the elevator doors opened, she was greeted by the same sleek, impeccably dressed woman who had led her to the living room the previous night. "Miss Morgan, Mr. Knight is waiting for you in the study." Olivia followed her down a hallway lined with art that likely cost more than her annual salary. They reached a set of double doors, and the woman opened them, revealing a spacious study filled with bookshelves and a large mahogany desk. Alex stood by the window, once again gazing out at the city. He turned as she entered, his expression unreadable. "Olivia," he said, his voice as smooth as ever. "Thank you for coming." She nodded, her gaze steady. "Let's get this over with." Alex gestured to the desk, where a thick stack of papers awaited. "The contract. I've had my lawyers draft it according to your conditions. Feel free to review it." Olivia approached the desk, her eyes scanning the document. It was thorough, outlining every aspect of their agreement in meticulous detail. She noted with satisfaction that her conditions had been included, guaranteeing her autonomy and financial security. "This looks acceptable," she said finally, meeting Alex's gaze. "I'll sign." Alex handed her a pen, and she added her signature to the contract. Alex followed suit, his signature bold and confident. "It's done," he said, a hint of finality

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