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Billionaire’s bride..

Billionaire's bride..

Page slayer.


In the dazzling heart of New York City, Olivia Morgan, a fiercely independent lawyer, finds her world turned upside down when she's forced into a contract marriage with the ruthless CEO, Alexander Knight, to save her family's legacy. With a sharp tongue and an unyielding spirit, Olivia detests Alex's domineering ways, while Alex sees the marriage as a strategic move to consolidate his empire. But as Olivia and Alex are thrust into each other's worlds, they uncover hidden vulnerabilities and secrets that challenge their initial animosity. Just when they begin to acknowledge their growing feelings, a mysterious threat emerges, revealing a sinister plot against both their families. In a high-stakes game of power, passion, and betrayal, Olivia and Alex must navigate their turbulent relationship while uncovering the truth. Will they rise above their pasts to build a future together, or will the shadows of their legacy tear them apart?

Chapter 1 Episode 1

### Chapter 1: The Proposition The Manhattan skyline loomed over Olivia Morgan as she hurried along the bustling streets of New York City. The air was crisp, the sky a clear blue-an ironic contrast to the storm brewing in her life. Her father's phone call had been brief, his voice strained. "Come to the office, Olivia. We need to talk." Her family's law firm, Morgan & Co., had been a prestigious name in the legal world for decades, but the last few years had been unforgiving. Legal scandals and financial missteps had eroded their reputation and wealth.

Olivia had fought tooth and nail to keep the firm afloat, but the battle was wearing her down. She feared what new catastrophe awaited her at the office. Pushing through the revolving doors of the sleek, glass-walled building, Olivia's heels clicked sharply on the marble floor as she made her way to the elevator. Her reflection in the mirrored walls revealed a composed, professional woman-shoulder-length auburn hair pulled back in a neat chignon, sharp green eyes that missed nothing, and a tailored suit that spoke of confidence and authority. But inside, her heart raced with anxiety. The elevator dinged, and she stepped out onto the fifteenth floor, where Morgan & Co. had its headquarters. The atmosphere was tense, the usual hum of activity subdued. Her father's secretary, Mrs. Collins, gave her a sympathetic glance as she passed by. "Your father is waiting in the conference room, Ms. Morgan." Olivia nodded, her stomach tightening. She pushed open the heavy oak door and stepped inside. Her father, Richard Morgan, sat at the head of the long conference table, his expression grim. His once-imposing figure seemed to have shrunk, the weight of their troubles carving deep lines into his face. "Olivia, take a seat," he said, his voice devoid of its usual authority. She sat down, placing her hands on the table to steady herself. "What's going on, Dad? What's this all about?" Richard sighed, rubbing his temples. "We've exhausted all our options, Olivia. The firm is on the brink of bankruptcy. We're facing lawsuits that we can't afford to fight, let alone win." Olivia's heart sank. She had known things were bad, but hearing it laid out so plainly was a punch to the gut. "There has to be something we can do. We can't just give up." "There is one option left," Richard said, his gaze meeting hers. "But it's... unconventional." A cold shiver ran down Olivia's spine. "What do you mean?" Richard hesitated, then pulled a thick file from his briefcase and slid it across the table to her. "Alexander Knight." The name hit Olivia like a sledgehammer. Alexander Knight was the CEO of Knight Enterprises, a multinational conglomerate known for its ruthless business practices and immense wealth. The Knights and the Morgans had crossed paths before, and it had never been pleasant. "Are you suggesting we partner with Knight Enterprises?" Olivia asked, incredulous. "That man is a shark. He'd swallow us whole and not think twice about it." "Not a partnership," Richard said quietly. "A contract marriage." For a moment, the words didn't register. Olivia stared at her father, waiting for him to correct himself. When he didn't, she felt a surge of anger. "You can't be serious. You want me to marry Alexander Knight to save the firm?" Richard's eyes were filled with sorrow. "I don't want this, Olivia. But Alexander approached me with the proposition. He's willing to invest in Morgan & Co. and cover our debts in exchange for a marriage contract with you. It would be a business arrangement, nothing more." Olivia felt a mixture of rage and disbelief. "Why would he want to marry me? What's in it for him?" Richard looked down at his hands. "He mentioned something about consolidating power, strengthening his public image. He's had some negative press lately. A marriage to someone with your reputation could benefit him." Olivia's mind raced. The idea was abhorrent, but the reality of their situation was equally grim. The firm was her life's work, her legacy. Could she really sacrifice her freedom and marry a man she despised to save it? "What if I refuse?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Then we lose everything," Richard said, his voice breaking. "The firm, our reputation, our home. Everything." Olivia closed her eyes, fighting back tears. She had always prided herself on her strength, her independence. Now, she felt that slipping away, replaced by a sense of helplessness she had never known. "Olivia, I'm sorry," Richard said, his voice choked with emotion. "I wish there was another way." For a long moment, Olivia sat in silence, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Then, with a heavy heart, she opened her eyes and looked at her father. "I'll meet with him," she said, her voice steady. "But I'm not making any promises." Richard nodded, relief and sorrow mingling in his eyes. "Thank you, Olivia. I know this isn't easy." She stood, gathering her composure. "When is the meeting?" "Tomorrow evening," Richard said. "At his penthouse." Olivia nodded, turning to leave. As she walked out of the conference room, a steely determination settled over her. She might be walking into the lion's den, but she would do it on her terms. She would not let Alexander Knight break her. --- The following evening, Olivia found herself standing in front of Alexander Knight's opulent penthouse. The building was a testament to wealth and power, towering above the city with an air of untouchable superiority. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. A doorman in a crisp uniform greeted her and escorted her to a private elevator. The ride to the top floor was silent, the air thick with anticipation. When the doors opened, Olivia stepped out into a lavish foyer, the walls adorned with expensive artwork and the floor covered in plush carpets. "Miss Morgan, Mr. Knight is expecting you," a sleek, impeccably dressed woman said, leading her into a spacious living room. Alexander Knight stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows, his back to her as he gazed out over the city. He was tall, his posture exuding confidence and control. As he turned to face her, Olivia's breath caught in her throat. He was strikingly handsome, with chiseled features, piercing blue eyes, and an aura of undeniable power. "Olivia Morgan," he said, his voice smooth and commanding. "Thank you for coming." She forced herself to meet his gaze, her expression cool and composed. "Mr. Knight." "Please, call me Alex," he said, gesturing for her to sit. She took a seat on the luxurious leather sofa, maintaining her poise. Alex sat opposite her, his gaze intense and unyielding. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions," he began, his tone measured. "You could say that," Olivia replied, her voice steady. "Starting with why you think I would agree to this... arrangement." Alex leaned back, studying her with a keen interest. "I need a wife, Olivia. Someone with a strong reputation, someone who can help me counteract the negative press I've been getting. Your family's firm is in trouble, and I have the means to save it. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement." Olivia's eyes narrowed. "So, this is just a business transaction to you?" "Primarily, yes," Alex admitted. "But I won't deny there's more to it. You're intelligent, ambitious, and beautiful. Qualities I admire." She ignored the compliment, focusing on the practicalities. "And what are the terms of this marriage contract?" "Five years," Alex said. "During that time, you'll have access to all the resources you need to rebuild your family's firm. At the end of the contract, if either of us wishes to end the marriage, we can do so amicably. You'll be well compensated for your time." Olivia's mind raced. The terms were clear and straightforward, but the implications were far-reaching. Could she really tie herself to this man for five years, even if it meant saving her family's legacy? "What about my autonomy?" she asked. "Will I still be able to work, to have my own life?" "Of course," Alex said. "I have no intention of controlling you, Olivia. This is a partnership. You'll be free to continue your career and pursue your interests." She studied him, searching for any hint of deceit. But his gaze remained steady, his expression sincere. He was offering her a lifeline, but it came with a price. "Why me?" she asked, her voice softer. "Why not someone else?" Alex's eyes softened, a flicker of something unreadable passing through them. "Because you're different, Olivia. You're not like the others. You're strong, independent, and you don't take any nonsense. I need someone like that by my side." Olivia felt a strange mix of emotions-anger, confusion, a glimmer of something she couldn't quite name. This man, who represented everything she despised about the corporate world, was offering her a way out. But it came at the cost of her freedom, her independence. "I need time to think about it," she said finally, standing up. Alex nodded, rising to his feet. "Take all the time you need. But remember, the clock is ticking. Your family's firm doesn't have much time left." Olivia nodded, turning to leave.

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