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Mummy I Got You A New Husband

Chapter 4 Marry me sophie

Word Count: 1370    |    Released on: 08/07/2024




elene, and astounded by her outburst, I s

at Jade had just said, I attempted to defuse the tension by giggling

al with, and I am sure she has no idea what she is saying,"

was suddenly interrupted by Lois laughter. I was

she laughed hysterically, I wondered

a man?" Lois waved her palm at Selene, who was in my hands, making fun of me since she had come out of her house when

partially to blame for this; had she not invited anyone, Lois would not have had the opportunity to tease me but I was not prepared t

ile, attempting to intimidate me into letting her remain. Howev

ed making a grimace as she walked to her room,

to suppress my feelings as I attempted to

but I could not respond since I owed him my appreciation for bringing my daughter home,

I stared at him the whole time, reflecting on the events of many nights before. To avoid

ve hurt your daughter, but instead I brought her home. As he talked, I scowled, wondering what a

ou, and who extorts money from someone for doing

" he joked, laughing hysterically. He s

f after laughing. I listening intently I wondered what his proposal was. Although he

apped me back into reality, a

suddenly on realizing he was ser

mumbled to myself.This was the most ridiculous thing I ha

for answers. With no response, I abruptly informed him th

rely know you" I replied as

dded as he laughed again mockingly when I insisted that I could not possibly ma

done, that is more than enough money for you and your daughter. You have five hours to decide." He turned

ppened. I shut the door and returned to the kitchen, where I continued my preparations. I had to decide soon or the deal

had happened and attempting to hide my tears.

ou have a beautiful daughter like me. I love you, mom, and soon yo

ondered in my mind and gazed at her when she let go, wondering how such a little girl could talk with

rming if you would let him." I stared at Sele

y agigated as I was not sure who had been talk

of his intentions to marry me. I was pissed about the whole situation as Selene was already excited as she jumped around the room th

to call him to question why he would do that to my daughter when I suddenly remembered I did not have his number. I m

e the kitchen, I needed some moments alone to refl

y to ruin all of that and he was offering a huge sum of money too. I needed to come up

not expecting anyone. I hoped he wasn't at

pondered as I a

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1 Chapter 1 Pregnant!!!2 Chapter 2 Get rid of it!!!3 Chapter 3 It's him4 Chapter 4 Marry me sophie5 Chapter 5 Pack this!!6 Chapter 6 Tick tock says the clock7 Chapter 7 I have a wide already...8 Chapter 8 Let me go 9 Chapter 9 Let's get Ice-cream10 Chapter 10 Leave us alone...11 Chapter 11 The marriage is cancelled!!12 Chapter 12 What would you have Mrs Rutherford do 13 Chapter 13 She is relentless!!!14 Chapter 14 Do what you have to..15 Chapter 15 End of the deal!!!16 Chapter 16 I guess we have a deal.17 Chapter 17 Dnt fall in love with me....18 Chapter 18 Mummy had a surprise for you baby19 Chapter 19 Did mummy get a new job 20 Chapter 20 Davis not today please...21 Chapter 21 Be dressed like my Ex22 Chapter 22 Mummy is waiting23 Chapter 23 Mum!!!!!24 Chapter 24 Typical Karl25 Chapter 25 Is this Sasha 26 Chapter 26 Lame party....27 Chapter 27 Am sorry baby...28 Chapter 28 Dad!!!!29 Chapter 29 Simply our moment..30 Chapter 30 Just be the help around here..31 Chapter 31 Only time would tell...32 Chapter 32 Let's play with a coin33 Chapter 33 The game of coin34 Chapter 34 Worries, dreams and Nightmares35 Chapter 35 This calls for Celebrations36 Chapter 36 Lies or the truth..37 Chapter 37 Rumors and gossips38 Chapter 38 Deal with Sonnic39 Chapter 39 Secrets to the grave40 Chapter 40 The perfect plan41 Chapter 41 Reporter Eddy42 Chapter 42 Reporter Eddy is hurt..43 Chapter 43 The Rumors44 Chapter 44 The ploy45 Chapter 45 The big reveal46 Chapter 46 Is it..... 47 Chapter 47 The footage....48 Chapter 48 Cameras, videos and truth49 Chapter 49 The new student....50 Chapter 50 No doctors!!!51 Chapter 51 What's this feeling 52 Chapter 52 Nothing but badluck...53 Chapter 53 Gorgeous...54 Chapter 54 For the kids!!!55 Chapter 55 I want out!!!56 Chapter 56 Verge of being exposed...57 Chapter 57 Sophie's is back58 Chapter 58 Pay back time59 Chapter 59 My boss's wife60 Chapter 60 Please say yes...61 Chapter 61 Cassandra!!!62 Chapter 62 It has to be Sophie63 Chapter 63 That was intense..64 Chapter 64 Just hear him out..65 Chapter 65 Link to the case...66 Chapter 66 Sorry Jordan..67 Chapter 67 Oh my!!!68 Chapter 68 Wrong timing..69 Chapter 69 Where is Daddy 70 Chapter 70 Hired for revenge..71 Chapter 71 Is Claire really coming home 72 Chapter 72 Enough with the act..73 Chapter 73 Was she a dummy too 74 Chapter 74 Failed actress..75 Chapter 75 The mistress...76 Chapter 76 Reconciliation gone wrong...77 Chapter 77 My Child...78 Chapter 78 Who is she 79 Chapter 79 Sex with Cassey80 Chapter 80 Lets make-up81 Chapter 81 Search for Sophie82 Chapter 82 Plans in motion.83 Chapter 83 Called back to work..84 Chapter 84 Revenge..85 Chapter 85 Trouble at the office..86 Chapter 86 Break -up87 Chapter 87 Finding Sophie..88 Chapter 88 Getting my love back!!!89 Chapter 89 Kidnapped..90 Chapter 90 Sophie is missing..91 Chapter 91 Come back please92 Chapter 92 Don't die on me...93 Chapter 93 Oh no!!!94 Chapter 94 Hidden truth...95 Chapter 95 Moved to plan B96 Chapter 96 Hurt by his words97 Chapter 97 Does she know 98 Chapter 98 Once and for all99 Chapter 99 Going home...100 Chapter 100 Daddy please. ..