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Word Count: 1479    |    Released on: 09/07/2024

V usually brought me comfort, but today, even Ariel's iconic voice couldn't lift my spirits. My mind kept wandering back to the unsettling encounter, replaying the events like a broken recor

obody wanted me then, and it seemed like nobody wanted me now. But then, my thoughts drifted to Emily, my bright red-haired BFF, who had forced her way into my life and became my rock. I smiled, remembering the day we met when I

rudged to the door, blanket still wrapped around me, not caring about my disheveled appearance. When I opened the door, my heart skipped a beat. Luca stood before me, his eyes lo

, my voice barely audible. His eyes softened, and he took a step closer, his presence filling the doorway. "It's okay, Pr

through me like he knew exactly what was bothering me. And in that moment, I wanted to tell him everythin

ed anyone, a side that was vulnerable and childlike. But Luca didn't seem to mind. He chuckled and stepped inside, his ey

ally did. But the words got stuck in my throat. "I'm just tired

husky. "Just tell me what the fuck happened." I flinched at his harsh tone, but his eyes softened immedia

ould feel the tears stinging in my eyes, threatening to fa

o speak. "I...A man...touched me," I stammered, my voice barely audible. Luca's eyes darkened, his jaw c


her the events of the previous day. And then, like a wave crashing over me, everything came flooding back. Luca was here

letting the water wash away the lingering emotions. As I stood there, I realized that I didn't need to go to work today. I couldn't face the cafe, not yet. So I

reakfast, my comfort food. I didn't care that it was an unhealthy choice; I just needed something to soothe my soul. As I mixed the batter an

ace, so I had the space to myself. I put on some music and got to work, scrubbing the floors and dusting the furnitu

his voice and feel his support. But I hesitated, not wanting to be a burden to him. He had already done so much for me; I didn'

flashing on the screen. My heart skipped a beat as I hesitated for a mom

" Luca asked, his voic

eplied, my voice s

ess," Luca said, his tone g

but about the emotional turmoil that still lingered inside me. I hesitated,

ike I'm heartless or so, but my parents are vying to meet you, my da

, no, don't do that. I'll come, I'm alright, I promise," I

ou sure, Dovey? You don't have to

ugh he couldn't see me. "Yes, I'm very

ou free? I'm taking you out. You do owe me a shopping date,

s teasing tone. "Okay, fine. Wh

m. What do you say?" Luca asked,

I replied, trying to sound casual d

his parents. What if they didn't like me? What if I said something stupid? I pushed the thoughts aside and focuse

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