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The silent oath

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 1576    |    Released on: 16/07/2024

The scent of blood and magic was a potent reminder of the night's events, but there was a sense of quiet victory. Ravenshade had survived another attack. Aria's muscles ached

erewolves, and vampires. Aria's pulse quickened. The Heartstone could be the answer they were looking for. If they could find it, they might be able to restore the balance and strengthen the Silent Oath. She closed the book and hurried to find Seraphina, who was in the midst of brewing a potion. The old witch looked up as Aria approached, her eyes alight with curiosity. "What have you found, my dear?" Aria explained her discovery, the excitement in her voice palpable. "We need to find the Heartstone, Seraphina. It could be the key to stopping Lucien and protecting the truce." Seraphina's brow furrowed in thought. "The Heartstone... I've heard legends of its power, but its location has been lost to time. We will need to seek out those who might have knowledge of its whereabouts." Aria nodded, determination etched on her face. "We'll start with the elders. They may remember stories or clues that could help us." With a plan in place, Aria and Seraphina set out to visit the oldest members of the community, hoping to piece together the fragments of history that could lead them to the Heartstone. *** Their first stop was the home of Elder Rowan, a venerable werewolf with a wealth of knowledge about Ravenshade's past. His small, rustic cabin was nestled deep in the forest, surrounded by towering pines. As they approached, the door creaked open, and Rowan's weathered face broke into a smile. "Aria, Seraphina. It's been too long," he greeted them, his voice warm and welcoming. "Come in, come in." They followed him inside, where the scent of herbs and woodsmoke filled the air. Rowan gestured for them to sit, and Aria wasted no time in explaining their quest. Rowan listened intently, his expression growing serious. "The Heartstone... I remember my grandfather speaking of it. He said it was hidden in a place where the three races once stood united, a symbol of their commitment to peace." Aria's eyes widened. "Do you know where that might be?" Rowan nodded slowly. "There is an old, abandoned chapel in the heart of the forest. It was built by the first settlers of Ravenshade, a place where they would gather to mediate disputes and celebrate their unity. If the Heartstone is anywhere, it would be there." Aria and Seraphina exchanged a glance, hope flickering in their eyes. "Thank you, Rowan," Aria said, her voice filled with gratitude. "We'll start our search there." As they made their way to the chapel, Aria couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the cusp of a major breakthrough. The forest seemed to hold its breath as they ventured deeper, the ancient trees towering above them like silent guardians. The chapel was a crumbling relic of a bygone era, its stone walls overgrown with ivy and moss. Despite its dilapidated state, there was a sense of reverence about the place, as if the very air was imbued with the echoes of past ritu

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