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The silent oath

Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 16/07/2024

against the runes, and they flared to life, illuminating the glade with a soft, ethereal glow. "Aria," Seraphina called out, her voice filled with awe. "Look at the center." In the very heart of t

eartstone's power is greater than your hatred. The truce will hold." Lucien's gaze flicked to the Heartstone, now lying a few feet away. With a snarl, he darted towards it, but Aria was faster. She called upon the magic of the glade, drawing strength from the ley lines and channeling it into a powerful blast that sent Lucien crashing into a nearby tree. The vampire lord rose to his feet, his face contorted with rage. "This isn't over, Aria. I will have my revenge, and the Silent Oath will be broken." With a final glare, Lucien vanished into the shadows, leaving Aria and Seraphina to catch their breath. Aria picked up the Heartstone, her hands shaking. "We need to hurry. We don't have much time." Seraphina nodded, her expression grim. "Let's get back to the chapel and perform the ritual before Lucien returns with reinforcements." They raced through the forest, the Heartstone clutched tightly in Aria's hands. The journey back to the chapel seemed to take forever, but they finally reached the sacred site just as the sun began to set. Inside the chapel, they quickly prepared for the ritual, arranging candles and drawing protective symbols on the floor. Aria placed the Heartstone on the altar, its light casting long shadows across the ancient walls. As they began to chant, the air grew thick with magic. The runes on the altar glowed brighter, and the Heartstone pulsed with energy. Aria could feel the power of the truce flowing through her, binding her to the original pact and to the magic of Ravenshade. Suddenly, the door to the chapel burst open, and Lucien stormed in, flanked by a group of dark creatures. His eyes blazed with fury as he advanced towards the altar. "You think you can stop me?" he snarled. "This ends now!" Aria stood her ground, her voice unwavering as she conti

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