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No Hide-out

Chapter 4 Scars revelation

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 16/07/2024

ces, introduced her to his business partners even though his father didn't like her. Rose had no friends as she didn't have time to make one. It was just her and her dad after Re

y to rectify this". He huffed. She didn't want to argue so she slept. He tucked her in and kissed her forehead. Maybe that's why he loved her; his little good girl. Another call came in the morning, it was from his secretary. Many shareholders influenced by Susan's father had dropped as well. He rose from the dining room, he was yet to eat but the news made him lose appetite. "I will see you in the evening princess," he soothed. Rose looked at him with hopeful eyes urging him to stay but he got to go. He needs to take the wheels so the company doesn't crash. Rose had called out while he was walking down the stairs but he was lost in thought to hear her. "I love you captain," she sniffled. The thought of Damian leaving her made her stomach churned. He turned and feigned a smile then went out. That wasn't the man she dated a year ago, he would always kiss her before going out. She stood at the edge of the stairs till he was out of sight. He decided to drive himself. He wasn't in the mood for any sort of company. After a while of contempt, He called Susan. He had asked her for an appointment and she agreed. "I've been sitting here for over an hour now Damian, can you tell me why you called me here?" Susan uttered. He invited her to his office as he has fixed meetings to attend. He looked up from his laptop, "I'm sorry sussy, give me a sec. He said. She held back the smile creeping on her face, exactly what she wanted; his attention. She had looked through the files on the shelf to keep busy, then bursted out when she felt like she'd wasted enough time even though she enjoyed being

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