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The Billionaire’s Cinderella

The Billionaire's Cinderella


Chapter 1 Joana's plight

Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 19/07/2024

with her career. It all starts when Joana goes to Claudius' house; her boyfriend.As she enters the elevator that leads to his apartment, her heart gladdens

having the facial description of strawberry blonde hair styled elegantly with adorable blue eyes, having his chin and cheeks covered with blonde beard hair. She loses concentration on her phone as she stares

ed the floor button, he was heading to. Joana looked at the man with surprising amazement while still being on the ground. The Elevator door opens and the man adjusts his s

e that was where her boyfriend's apartment was situated at. As she

his room she hears a moaning sound at the door and her heart starts to beat faster as she opens the door. "Claudius!", she shouts. "How could you?", she asks with a shout of disappointment and tears rolling out of her eyes. The man moves away from the

you would be her

his to me?", Joana a

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ollege which makes them know Claudius. Joana was studying Marketing at the University of Michigan and Claudius was a senior of two years to Joana. ***************************************************** "You see, Joana, the thing is that I ran out of feelings for you a longtime ago. You are not hot enough like the other girls. I have been trying to tell you that I had lost interest in you for a long time, but I never for once knew out to put it to you. But I am glad you got to know this way ", Claudius says. "Oh, really?", Joana asks angrily "Does that mean you should be sleeping with Ashley; of all people?" "You are such a jerk", she says with hot tears rolling down her cheeks. She walks out of the room. Joana cries out and leaves Claudius' apartment in dismay. Tears roll off Joana's face uncontrollably and heads to a place where she can cry out all her heart and be alone. She found no other place than the car park of the apartment to cry. She went behind a grey Ferrari car to cry behind bending low towards the car. She clamors out to herself; "Why? Why me? I am such a fool for letting Claudius use me. What did I do wrong? I gave him my time and energy ." The Masculine figure which she had met at the Elevator comes to where she had bent low and says; "Are you not civilized or what?" "Why are you constituting a nuisance on other people's property." "Why would you lean on my car and start crying like a toddler? Just mo

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