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Annette, the Metis Spy: A Heroine of the N.W. Rebellion


Word Count: 2730    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ugh the night the maiden with its song, when the lo

ey reached a point from which the bank was easily accessible. In a bluff upon the level the savages had tethered their po

n a guard-house?

emed to regret the tone that he had adopted, and hastened to mend the matter. "I have instructions to be guarded about making known

d be at now?" Stephens asked himself

those of my companion. He has been severely wounded, and inflammation has

t, monsieur," and in a mi

me, I should like some private conversation." Stephens was fast

half-breed, "you know

ng about the prairies


these I twice ow

, we know-I know-who the two are. The other is t

ou do happen to

ne will procure me an interview with the maiden, at some place w

th the confidential friend, secretary and adviser of M

sieur. I

will be unable to pr

I should need, setting forth the time and the place. A neutral brave

do you seek this int

a slight curl of co

her; and to arrange to have fu

urned up her pretty nose in disdain. But whether this be true or not, there is another fact which forms an insuper

suppose?" he said, fairly sp

a brave and illustrious Indian chief. A nobler looking man I

two traitorous jades will be captured. Then le grand chef takes yours away up the dismal valley to Jubal's hut. I take your fine Indian chief's down to ma mere's ready cottage. As for yo

ply waved his bridle hand, imposing peace. Thereat Jean pushed forward and gave some instructions to a savage, who immediately put the bonds again upon Phillips, tying the thongs s

ief that he was exercising a lawful authority, inasmuch as the territories had not, within the interpretation of the law, passed from the Hudson Bay Company under the jurisdiction of Canada. Subject t

gone against the forces of the Metis leader; but his men were captured like a fl

fore the rebel stronghold, the chief himself was striding u

all they should come together, marry, and escape me. Curses, eternal curses upon them. Maledictions eternal upon my own worthless followers. By the Holy

mon chef

t? Any tidings

r being set free by Mademoiselle. He was most insulting to myself, and used very abusi

and rising, he began to stride up and down the

ot to-morrow. Suppliants will come beseeching me to spare his life; but at first I shall refuse to do so, and say that I am deter

there was a knowing twinkle in

ittle judicious goading will set him on. If possible, it would be well for one of the guards to pr

eur; I have

redulous, and others will come to sue for his life. I shall reply to them: 'This is a matter of discipline. The man has deserved death, or the court? martial would not have sentenced him. I spared Toltbon's life, and already I have as fruits of my leniency increased turbulence and disrespect. My government must be re

irons, and Riel declared that for the sake of peace and order he must be shot. Many people came and implored him to spare the condem

s spa

d himself bef

guards, and loading your name with ignominious reproach. The guards knew my feelings; so during the night they put chains upon him. As t

bbed his hands. "Without applying t

c had certain private instructions from me, and

now propose to do, for you are aware, Jean-" there was now a tone of diabolical raillery in his words-"that this mat

forthwith to try him. Already, I have summoned the witnesses of his guilt; and he and you sha

fingers in putting fresh roses upon the mound that covers him. For a feu-de-joie and the peal of marriage bells, I will give you, ma petite cher

e him and follow the "adjutant-general," as Jean was known under the new regime. He proceeded to

hat his sentiments regarding the prisoner are exactly the same as those entertained by myself. What these are I need hardly say. It is now a struggle between the authority of the Provisional Government and a horde of rebellious persons of which the defendant is the most dangerous. The eyes of our followers are upon us; and if we permit the authority of Government to be defied, its officers reviled, and insult heaped upon us, depend upon it we shall

med party, whose object was the overthrow of authority as vested in our Provisional Government. He is likewise charged with having attempted criminal violence upon lawfully delegated g


son came

f the prisoner Stephens that may be r

revolt against the autho

t have been his demeanour

ing and disorderly

fy a few partic

traitors; and a lot of looting, riotous, unwashed savages. He has used language of this sort ever since his imprisonment. Likewise, I have heard hi

ilty of any act

. As I approached him with the handcuffs he smote me twice in the face, and I yet carry the mark that he gave me. [Here t

will d

estang. This, of course, was not an extraordinary coincidence, for he had been present while the first miscreant was giving his evidence. Yet poor St

d the peace of the district demand that the extreme penalty should be visited upon this enemy of both. The question is, whether he is wor

two minutes. The forema


is head a black cap

'Guilty.' I do, therefore, declare the sentence of this court-martial to be, that the prisoner be taken

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