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Annette, the Metis Spy: A Heroine of the N.W. Rebellion


Word Count: 4662    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Pitt. They dare not come near the stockades, for the Indians had invested the high ground overlo

he valley beyond Turtle Hill, and when it grows dark, we c

cing the river half an hour after sun-set. He said he would be

t your fine chef may be of some us

opened out the folds, set up the white cotton in a cleared plot, in the centre of a copse of white oak, where it was securely screened from passing eyes. Julie took from her pony's

cosy as a sack of mallard's down. Now, Julie, we shall eat, then sleep till the afternoon

owers. A little way beyond a jet of cold, clear water came gurgling out of the rocks; and tripping away Julie fetched a cup. Then they fastened their hamper, pu

r dainty little feet hardly crushing the flowers as she went, to take a peep at the horses. They, too, had lain down; but upon seeing the pair

way like a pair of prying fawns toward the Fort. Twilight does not tarry long upon the plains; and when the maidens reached the confines of the Fort, the stockades and the enclo

nd was afraid for the


e Fort to-night?" An

a White Dog feast; and the Indians have assembled from far a

hold out

ill cut a breach in the stockade; then they will go in and burn down the

a white friend who saved my life; and I would l


o meet the wishes of Mademoiselle." Julie took two or three dainty steps, and nestled her head in the breast of her

e suspected. Wait, Mademoiselle, in the shelter of the bank till I come to you." There was then a li

nated by the chief, and lay down in the shadow with Julie at her side. It was while they lay nestling here that t

e besieged. Through the wailing of the storm came, too, the thud, thud, thud of the c

hat delays your chief?" But while the words were yet quivering u

ish to have Mademoiselle satisfied of the e

ckade; and, at a signal from the chief, a li

, found themselves at the door of the Fort. "Friends are here," he whispered, through his tubed h

ted, and in a moment

Captain Stephe

sked the Inspect

Annette said, in

ephens may r

e exclaimed, turning to the Inspector. "You ma

this door, and you can pass out. Go directly to the river, and at the pier you will find a boat waiting. Then the

been heard before, arose, and, brandishing their weapons, the horde o

tile savages. They very speedily gained the river and found a large York boat, of shallow draught, which they pushed out into the slow sweep of tide. The chief was nowhere to be seen; but the two mysterious and beautiful Indian boys hovered along the gloomy bri

uttering a loud alarm-yell, he turned and was

Annette, in clea

t, and glared at this ha

ep I shoot you. D

ade a sudden bound forward and held the gli

, in a voice quivering with a


alarm the braves? Th

is object, a flash of flame from a burning building in the Fort shone for a moment upon the boy, and showed the cowardly warrior a pair of large, soft eyes, fringed with long

r eyes and fired, once, twice at the running savage.

ers," and the two girls bounded along for nearly hal

first island keep away to your right. There is a

came to the shore; a

away to the little grove, folded the tent, saddled the horses, and in a few moments were galloping again towards the river. As t

light, and they are now in pursuit

t m

my brother and a dummy; fo

er. The Indians may know that you fired at

he and his friends are doomed. Half a mile below there are a hundred canoes upon the bank, and thither those screaming fiends a

ull for the yelling band. As she drew near she rais

stand and hear

y two or three of his wives, stopped,

r little bro

ave just escaped a great army

es became blan

the white br

minutes, for they are mounted on swift horses. If you go

dainty Cree was feasting her eyes upon the beautiful face of the Indian lad. It might not have been s

we get to the lodges we will hold a council. The littl

and see that she is safe from harm." And despite the beseeching eyes of the chief's pr

gallop down the banks of Saskatchewan. With the boat all was right, and in her clear, bird-like

ck?" enquired the sa

of her achievements. There are enough of maids white an

that a great body of sol

poken in the boat. Then letting her luminous eyes linger for a momen

" and was off through

bearing upon the story, I shall relate. At the distant settlement of Frog Lake, at the commencement of the tumult, when night came down, Indians, smeared in hideous, raw, earthy-smelling paint,

king of barbaric instruments of music, the brandishing of tomahawks, and the gleam of hunting-knives. Secretly the Indians went among the

plains, telling that Marton had a mighty army made up of most of the brave Indians of the prairies, and comprising all the dead shots am

aid the Indian with the fiendi

ding of a conference between the Indians and the whit

man will have his vengeance." So every Indian was instructed to have his rifle at han

d at home, occupying themselves with their various duties, while the rest, merely for the sake of agreeableness, and

ay from us," was what the treacherous chief, with wolfish e

t there was not a stir in all the air. No living thing was seen stirring, save troops of blue-jays which went scolding from tree to tree before the settlers as they proceeded to the conference. H

round about it grew poplar, white oak, and firs; while in front rolled by a swift dark stream. Unsuspectin

esolate spot seems to make it more gloomy still. What, I wonder, is the n

ented! Eyes like those of wild beasts, aflame with hate and ferocity, gleamed from the gloom of the back portion of t

The levelling of his rifle was the general signal. A dozen other muzzles were pointed, and in briefer space

"be ready for the next." There was soon another k

on now, before entering suspected strongly, that all was not right. He had only reached the settlement that morning, and had he returned sooner he would have

e for me, not here." He had no sooner entered than his worst convictions were realized.

oody work have you on hand? What

ell, and another set up a cry like the bellowing of a bull. But poor Gowan did not fire a third shot. A tall savage approached him from behind, and striking him upon the head with his rifle-stock felled him to the earth. Then the savages fired five or six shots into him as he lay upon the floo

walked out of her abode, and gathering some kindling wood in her apron, returned again. When the Indians saw her, they threw themselves upon their faces, and so escaped observation. No one happened to be looking out of the window after Mrs. Gowanlock came back; but about half a minute afterwards several shadows flitted by the window, and immediately six or seven painted Indians, with rifle

tents aloof upon the prairie, about, a mile distant from the Fort, selecting a little cup shaped hollow, rimmed around

two entered the town,

anding by

; and seeing the two maidens about the

fast horses to enquire if the story is true. But he had not long passed this gate when I noticed Jean, the g

" asked Annette, while her

skeg trail. It leads d

I go immediately." Juli

u have ventured more than I should have permitted;" but a l

faithful follower not say in the beginning that wherever her mistress went, there

ll not gainsay you. But what thinks your chief

ere not so brave, he could not love her half so much." And stooping, the noble chief kis

the horses, and struck out swiftly for the trail. They had practised eyes, and were soon convinced tha

"bake-apples." The huge, noiseless mass soon reached the swampy plain; and it rolled as if upon wheels of floss, shutting out the sun and smothering the bluffs. The gloom was now so great that they could not see more than twenty paces on any hand, and every object in view seemed many times greater than its natural size, and distorted in shape. Miles and miles they went through swamp and tangle, till they heard the far-off, sullen roar of water. The land now also began to dip, and fifteen minutes' ride brought them to a low-lying region of swamp, sentinel

riders passed round it, the gleam of a camp-fire abou

ehind this clump and pitch our tent

fire lighted; and Julie was busy breaking bra

t step, my ingeni

ongs; or whether the worst has happened." Her fingers tremble

yet risen, and no light came from the few feeble stars that were out. Over swamp and tangle, across bare marsh, and throug

her voice quivered a little. "As I expected. Captain Stephens and his two companions are prisoners. He is lying upon the ground without

aves say I judge that they will carry the prisoners to Beaver Mountain, where there is a Cree stronghold. Here they will be held to abide the will of le chef. The m

boughs, they drew the rug over their two sweet,

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