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Boy Scouts of the Air on Lost Island

Chapter 6 TO THE RESCUE!

Word Count: 2307    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

r later. For a moment it was almost laughable. There stood Aikens fiercely clutching one arm and waving it up and down as if to p

Tell me-quick!

me over Mr. Fulton's face at his reply was neither belief nor dou

say? But-but-how do y

land, w

swered Jer

en, came to Mr. Fulton's face,

ell you he was

" began Jerry, when the ting-a-lin

Jerry impatiently awaited his return, anxious to tell the rest of his story. Imagine then his surprise when Tod'

boy should finish and he could decently get rid of Jerry. The story was consequently hurried through. Disappointed beyond d

ind of wet blanket. Feeling not a little sore over his failure to impress the two men with the importance of his discoveries, Jerry plodded along home, determin

e for his having remained away overnight without asking consent, and even listened with sympathetic ear to the story of his adventures. But just at the moment when Jerry was about to announce his i

mouth uncomfortably full of pancake. "Mr. Fulton isn't go

two grown men can't take care of your Lost Islander-and your theor

there's t

e of itself til


ow. Into be

o after the

kitchen range, and laughingly but firmly put an end to the c

awe of tiny Mrs. Ring, who barely r

most wheedling voice. His mother only laughed, but Jerry fe

He was sleepy and cross and not a bit hungry. His muscles were sore, and the drill to Lost

ack to work, with a great deal of relief. His mothe

ive her unqualified consent to his remaining away as long as he saw fit. "Yo

of her big boy as a mother well could be without making herself a nuisance to the neighbors. From his earliest boyhood she had cultivated the independence of spirit he showed with his first pair

with a quick pat at his shoulder-the Rings were not much at kissing each other. "If you can't take care of yourself by now, yo

dwiches and stuffing them in the pocket of his canvas hunting coat, which he took along for emergen

ve been equal to the task of waking up Dave. They tried everything they had ever heard of. They tickled his feet; they set off a brass-lunged alarm clock under his ve

from his throat would put to shame the most ambitious hound that ever howled. Jerry caught up a pillow and would have shied it at the head of the offender, but the perfectly se

ll atop Dave as he lay on the floor. Frank began on the chorus. A wriggling leg emerged from beneath the

uffered to torture. A catapult of boy, bedclothes and pillows bounded from the floor and s

elled Dave, dancing up and down on one foot-he had stubbed hi

huh?" snorted Frank, neatly catching Dave in the pit

ke a free-for-all, but Je

-hustle. We're going

mother won

let you go all right. You just want to get back to bed, that's

esitated over the last. It was plain to be seen that he was non

at to think. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they-he and Mr. Aikens

ow anything, Jerry; we'

wasting a lot of time about getting your clothes on, bu

hortly he stood fully dressed and ready to go downstairs. Jerry had already made peace with Mrs

streets while we're moving we can make the two-five express on the Dellwood Interurban. We can drop off when they slow down at Downers C

perhaps five minutes later and saw how the two had slumped down in their seats. It did not need a throaty gurgle from Dave to convince him that the pair were sound asleep. "A fine pair

. A hasty glance out the window told him that they were at Downers Crossing. With a yell that would have done credit to a whole war-party of Comanches, he pounced upo

e us in time so I could have g

d in the general direction of the river, he consoled his chum with: "Downer's farm is only about half a mile i

at, so he had to admit that they would reach the b

ed Dave as he plunged his face into the bubbling surf

ost Island as Jerry had predicted. In fact, they were not certain in which direction it lay, for to the north lay a cluster of tree

and Frank, but Jerry exclaimed triumpha

sland was north the wagon br

. Once they were within close sight of it, they went forward with all caution. The last hundred yar

inge of willow and spy out the prospect. Jerry, who was

he cautioned as they

w. Suddenly, from behind them a yell, blood-curdling, absolutel

the same instant, a half-dozen husky yo

ws!" came a roar. "The

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