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Boy Scouts of the Air on Lost Island


Word Count: 1984    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in spite of their violent struggles, and there they were pommeled unmercifully. They fought back, but they were hopelessly outnumbered. It was n

ke stock of their attackers. Six boys they were, of about the same size and age as Dave, Jerry and Frank, The

standing, coming over to sit on Jerry's legs, Jerry ha

l-knit chap with a broad, sunburned face and a mop of bl

oled them and jumped on them instead. It's part of

either," ex

de his stomach. "Didn't we see you

dn't try any wild Indian game

didn't see us," crowed

ke in the ribs to

a sudden twist, heaved, turned, heaved again, and in less time than it was told, was on his feet and presen

's get the straight of this thing first and fight afterwards. Yo

were trying to get ont

were skulking

onto it? You ha

swim, co

et onto the island for? Wh

ry answered as well as he could with his shortness of bre


? He's a cousin of mine-why, what's the matte

re after. He's our chum,"

fter him for-if

" began Jerry, and


hole crew at that.

re. That's why we're


l three insisted on telling it. Phil stood

hat's about ten miles south of here. We're the Flying E

ropped on us," complained Frank. "But what was the idea i

ver, and made the long pull up the Plum in the dark just for the sake of getting an early morning chance at the best bass rock you ever hear

and?" asked

et us get into our boat. Chucked stones at us all the way across and promised us a mess of birdsho

n't want to be around when you're sure of

the fate of poor Tod and this was the only way they were willing t

let's see if we can't frame up some way of getting across and going

lined up in

This thin, long-drawn-out morsel of sweet temper is Fred Nelson. We tried to nickname him "Angel" but he licked everyone that tried it on him. Now comes our joker, we'd call him Trixie if we dared. His ma calls him Algy Brown. Frank Willis stands first in the behind row. He goes by the name of "Budge," ch

s two chums, and then turned an

boat and row over? We can t

e always respectful to our elders?"

response. "We can tell the gentleman that we hav

ever tell lies--"

ay, because that makes our next move easier. If we can't get on the island in the open, we've got

bunch of us keep up a demonstration along the shore here, two of

cause it's going to be coming on dark befo

he man knows me," agreed J

t once, Phil pushing off and hopping lightly to the oars. There was only one pair, but he sent the boat skimming across the ripples. No one was in sight on the

?" he deman

you'd let us look for a box of tackle one of the boys

ing to Jerry. "I suppose you came to look for a

ng that Jerry simply gasped,

n. We have good reason for believing that he's

the threat in his voice. "Well, I can promise you a full-sized spanking unless you make yourselves scarce in jus

ok for our friend? Surely you've

ave a troop of youngsters tracking mud in at my front door. That friend of

land," asserted Jerry boldly. "And you've acted so suspicio

ed out by trying to be diplomatic, but his f

t is." Jerry opened his eyes wide; he had thought the box a pure

. Fulton, and he and Mr. Aikens will be coming down here with a posse. They won't be asking your pe

challenged the man, and turning around

on that I said he was w

Phil turned the boat about a

nk we'll show your Mr. Billings a few

y his name w

down at dad's office. Uncle Ed-that's Mr. Fulton, you know-was there, and when I opened the door on them suddenly, he and this Billings were havin

s still sore at Mr. Fulton, and

st we'll know whether Tod is there-and I guess we

do it? What'

le Scouts. I'm not bragging

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