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Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police: A Tale of the Macleod Trail


Word Count: 4459    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

sleep from Cameron. He was firmly resolved that at the first opportunity he would make his break for

d quietly within the circle of the firelight and with a nod and a grunt towards Raven sat down by the fire. Raven p

hand to the first Indian. "Big Chief. Him," poin

good hunting this

s grunted

acks ar

grunt ma

tinued Raven. "But the ti

maining by the fire. From the darkness Cameron could hear Raven's voice in

t, their grave and dignified demeanour had given place to an eager, almost childish excitement. Cameron did not need the wh

hurry," said Raven. "We mo

he dark. "Come." He brought it back again. "Heap quick." Without fur

Up and give us a hand. Little Thunder, take the bun

it to a pine tree and the others he hurr

trading, are you?"

I'm not too keen," replied Raven, th

you afte

y. Anything they

ou give in

ance, but Cameron's face w

arel, tobacco, finery. Molasses to

orn. "It was not molasses they had to-night. W

eyes narrowed to

I keep a flask to treat my guests o

I understand, and migh

Raven in childlike surpr

are," said Cameron, turning

ng forth a flood of oaths. "That! for the Mo

d you very especially to object to t

gs a little too far. But all the same," he continued, hastily checking himself, "the police are all right. They put down a lot of lawlessness in this country. But I may as well say to you here, Mr. Cameron," he contin

ool not to see it before." But to the trader he said, "There are s

s. The trader made no move to meet them. He sat quietly smoking by the fi

good they were, even to Cameron's uncultured eye. Wolf skins and bear, cinnamon and black, beaver, fox, and mink, as well as some magnific

equalled by the shoddiness of the material, cheap domestic blankets, half wool half cotton, prepared especially for the Indian trade. These, with beads and buttons, trinkets, whole strings of brass rings, rolls of tobacco, bags of shot and powder, pot metal knives, and other articles, all bearing the stamp of glittering fraud,

ting to the skin, "and," turning it back, "

the others. Desperately struggling to suppress his eagerness and to maintain his dignified

," said Raven, as he r

suggest to your friends that they complet

id Raven to the Indians, tapping the flas

of barter began to be apparent. The Indians lost their grave and dignified demeanour. They became curious, eager, garrulous, and demonstrative. With childish glee they began examining mo


alf dozen beaver and mink, and a couple of foxes, and r

ood. No good." So saying he took from his p

in, a grey wolf, and a mountain goat. Then, without

en quietly, laying his

g eyes threw on the pil

g the cork in his teeth, bit it off close to the neck of the flask. Snatching his knife

" From his pocket he took a knife containing a corkscrew and wi

laced the bottle to his lips and after a l

the negotiations and took out his own fl

is flask. Raven, however, waved him aside and, going to his pack, drew out a tin oil can

Indian, pointing to

ll. For me," he answered, ta

said the Ind

en declin

g half of his pack of furs and, throwing th

refused to

w minutes Little Thunder silently took his place in the circle about the fire. Cameron's

ox skin. In spite of himself Raven uttered a slight exclamation. It was indeed a superb pelt. With savage hate in every line of his face and in eve

ay of reckless generosity, placed his ow

t molasses," said Rav

dian contemptuously,

, Little

ll keg and set it on the rock beside Raven's pile of furs. Hastily the Stonies consulted together, White Cloud apparently reluctant, the brother recklessly eager to close the deal. Finally with a gesture White Cloud p

g. Good!"

nies appealed to Little Thunder, but in vain. Angrily they remonstrated, but still without result. At lengt

ide of the Indians and cried, "Don't do it! Don't be such fools! This no good," he said, k

er, but their insane thirst for the "fire-water" swept from their minds every other consideration but that of determination to gratify this mad lust. Unconsciously they ranged themselves beside Cameron, their hands going to their belts. Qui

to your camp. Take your furs. He is a thief, a robber, a bad man. All that," sweepi

re sufficiently eloquent and significant. There was an ugly gleam i

ade, Little Thunder." He pulled out his flask, slowly took a drink, and passed it to Little Thun

lubly explained t

and to White Cloud. "Good friends," he

nd again upon the Indian's arm. For

e Thunder in contemp

's hand, seized the flask and, putt

on to the other St

uncertain, their heads bowed upon their breasts. Then White Cloud, throwing back

ed Cameron, springing

he could recover himself Little Thunder, swift as a wildcat, leaped upon his back with his ever-ready knife in his upra

a terrible oath, flinging him

n they too seized Cameron and between them

ing an opportunity to strike. "Will you lie still, or shall I knock your head in?" said Raven to Cameron through his c

h passion, his voice thick and husky, his breath com

on. "Let me up. You hav

rang to

then, Cameron, give me your w

ll see you hanged f

y drew his pistol

y, but the time is past for any more

ies. Raven hesitated, then with an oath he strode toward Cameron and thru

with a feather touch. I give you one more chance. Move hand or foot and the

wing it tight, bound his arms to his side. Again and again he repeated this operation till Cameron stood swathed in the coils of the rope like a mummy, inwardly ragin

e will finish our little business. Sit down, Mr. Cameron," he continued, with

und, forgetting to take it back from his Indian

y to pack them. That is my last word. Quick, yes or no? Tell them no mo

of the fraud that was being perpetrated upon them. They were being robbed of their whole winter's kill and that of some of their friends as well, but they were helpless in the grip of their mad passion for the trader's fire-water. Disgusted with themselves and filled with blac

y brothers." He handed them each a roll of tobacco. "And a present

fts and, loading their stuff upon their r

f this, for once their old man finds

e amazing swiftness and dexterity with which the packs were roped and loa

your pony or will you ride like a gentleman, giving me your word not to attempt to escape? Time presses, so answe

said Came

ted. "Quick, you fool! Cut him loose. I know a gentlem

ly well out of it, for, God knows, you may live to look death in the face many a time, but never while you live will you be so near touching the old sport as you were a few minutes ago. Why I have interfered to save you these three times blessed if I know! Many a man's bones have been picked by the coyotes in these

eron's rage

partner in crime, I fear him no more than I would a dog and like a dog I shall treat him if he dares to attack me again. As for you, you are

of amused admirati

joy. At present, however, time is pressing and therefore that pleasure we must

more," sai

between himself and the camp of the Stonies. The discovery of the fraud he knew would be inevitable a

es and his loot, was many miles forward on his journey. But the endurance even of bronchos and cayuses

nger and highly contented with their night's achievement, he and his Indian partner abandoned themselves to sleep. Cameron, too, though his indignation and chagrin prevented sleep for

when he was awakened by a han

. "Not a word.

were ready loaded and Raven standing by his broncho

up?" sai

which they had come. There three horsemen could be see

les away, luckily

e Thunder?" en

sly, waving his hand toward the valley. "Those men

of the saddle. "Good God! What's that?" gasped Cameron. The other two wheeled in their course. Before they could turn a second shot rang out and another of the rider

were heard, but the flee

again asked Cameron, we

er in his hand. "Mount quick!" His face was pale, his eyes burned w

il!" he yelled, thrusting the line in

a bullet sang savagel

in his body, Cameron hurried his pony with all his might down the trail, dragging the pack animals after him. In huddled confusion the terrified brutes followed after him in a mad rush, for hard upon their rear, like a beast devil-possessed, Nighthawk pressed, biting, kicking, squealing, to the accompaniment of his rider's oaths and yells and pistol shots.

shed this operation when Little Thunder rode up upon a strange pony, leading a beautiful white

said Raven carelessly, p

upon the pony and stoo

ear to the fetlock there ran a broad stain, dull red and horrible. Then through his teeth, hard c

is shoulders careless

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