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Addicted to the Alpha-rogue


Word Count: 2021    |    Released on: 25/07/2024

at camouflage is the

red miniskirt, but that is an exercise in futility. After a few seconds of toying w

outfit. If there is a stronger word than adamant, I'd probably use it. No one. I

t it from, her reply was vague, so I let it drop. I get it. Keep your secrets close to y

our pack members might be at the party. Besides, I don't want word getting back to father th

ss fo

urches to a halt in front of a huge, brown, two-story building situated by lush greenery. I'm immediately drawn to the meticulously manicur

outfit, turns to me with a coy smile. "Its

this. I mean, I'm not twelve anym

taxi, splays her hands in the air and stretch

to the house. As we get close, I look left and right, but I don't see the usual telltale sign o

doorway, while clutching each other? Let's not forget about the lovey-dove

ee party goers doing on

almost at the door. "Are you

e one that makes her head tilt to the side and pushes out her chest to make them lo

woman looks more

inside, and that's when I hear it. The thump-thump vibration radiating from the floor and

everyone? A man suddenly appears in front of us. His stealth catches me by surprise. Judgi

e is fraught with something ominous as he

p up when the need arises, like now. We pass a sitting room and all I catch is a glimpse of plush furniture in vivid

ht colours, all tastefully furnished. I count about six that we whee

spicion. We've walked for probably five minutes and the man

eing kid

Alright, I know he didn't smile at us, it was more of a lee

is is it. I'm so cooked. Alicia, who has been lagging behind, catches up beside

ails look like they've been dipped in blood under the

That's when I see it. Several steps descending into the abyss below. I watch as

ty, it's down there." His g

s nervously before nodding.

il it out of here. I can't. I'm the one who'll be stuck here. I shake my head but she's already moving past

at do I do? S

can't do it. I can't leave Alicia here. That is the highest form

gets. Something happens the moment I get to the middle of the stairs. There's a boom-b

eps further down. I silently groan and follow her at a slower pace. At this level, I can't see the man but I

or. He opens it as we catch up, and my mouth falls open. Strobe lights -

g and talking while holding glasses with liquid inside. Strobe lights coat their faces and bodies eerily as it bounc

ressed as Jack the Ripper. I spot Barbie, dressed all in pink, complete with p

the daze I've fallen under. "Now the fun

to the crowd, leaving me all alone. I feel like a deer caught

ne here. What am

and cool liquid slos

cult because clearly - he's drunk. I wait patiently for it to click. It's not like I'm going anywhere soon anyway. I know the moment it does. His eyes l

w him shepherd me away to


en knew existed. They're all here in their glory. Soon, the tension and awkwardness slips away from me. A

f being kidnapped. I si

ter all - my favorite song. We move to the middle of the dance floor where w

e guy I'm dancing wi

he dim lighting. His costume is red, with slashes of whi

ng his hand in the air and looking

ver hear

his initial excitement fizzles out and he abrupt

ourse, it gets swallo

g headache, but different, and so much more. I've had one too many drinks, but

alcohol. I look around wildly, trying to ascertain the cause of my fe

ove away from the dance floor and begin walking in the direction of where I th

people as I try to get in the direction of the toilet. It's hard but I eventually manage to sw

ds from my face. In front of me stands Beast boy. His eyes glow an ee

s that his attention

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1 Chapter 1 Almost2 Chapter 2 STRANDED3 Chapter 3 SENSORY OVERLOAD4 Chapter 4 REPENTANT5 Chapter 5 REMEMBER TO LIE6 Chapter 6 ANONYMITY7 Chapter 7 THE KEEPERS8 Chapter 8 SET UP9 Chapter 9 STRANGE THINGS10 Chapter 10 GREEN LANTERN11 Chapter 11 Internalizing12 Chapter 12 Surprise Mates13 Chapter 13 PANICKED14 Chapter 14 RESCUED15 Chapter 15 Different World16 Chapter 16 Discover - I17 Chapter 17 Discovery18 Chapter 18 Decisions & Reprisals19 Chapter 19 Consequences20 Chapter 20 High Expectations21 Chapter 21 Friend. . . or foe 22 Chapter 22 Confessions23 Chapter 23 Brindlemark24 Chapter 24 Aftermath25 Chapter 25 Learning Magic26 Chapter 26 Lost. . . now found27 Chapter 27 Creating forces28 Chapter 28 The Task29 Chapter 29 Erasing Memories30 Chapter 30 The Discovery31 Chapter 31 Bait32 Chapter 32 The Journey33 Chapter 33 The Guardian of Mirrors34 Chapter 34 The Ball35 Chapter 35 Lost36 Chapter 36 The Truth37 Chapter 37 Fractured Loyalties38 Chapter 38 A Grave situation39 Chapter 39 Moonlight Deception- I40 Chapter 40 Moonlight Deception - II41 Chapter 41 A bond of light42 Chapter 42 Whispers from the shadows43 Chapter 43 Shadows of the past44 Chapter 44 The Rogue's gambit45 Chapter 45 Divided Loyalties46 Chapter 46 Eyes in the dark47 Chapter 47 Truth, or . . . manipulation48 Chapter 48 Temptations of the dark49 Chapter 49 Trapped50 Chapter 50 Endless cycle51 Chapter 51 A loop of despair52 Chapter 52 A trap53 Chapter 53 A trap54 Chapter 54 Turn of the tides55 Chapter 55 Just the beginning56 Chapter 56 Rallying forces57 Chapter 57 It begins58 Chapter 58 The stage is set59 Chapter 59 For or ally