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Tale of a two skin- The Last Alpha

Chapter 2 Fractured Bond

Word Count: 1478    |    Released on: 26/07/2024

And maybe...a new leader." Akira growled, her hackles raised. "Jax, don't even think about it." But Jax stood his ground. "I'm not saying it's what I want, but it's what we need to cons

ol before the pack splintered apart. " I understand your concern, jax," kael said, his voice calm and even. But challenging me now, in the midst of danger is reckless. We need unity not division." Jax snarled, but kael continued, his word pouring out in a passionate plea. "I've led this pack for years, through famine and diseases, through hunters and rival packs. I've kept us alive, and I'll continue to do so. But I need your trust and loyalty." Akira stepped forward, her eyes shining with tears. "Keal's right, jax. We can't af

emotions. Slowly, Jax nodded, his expression softening. "I'll try, Kael. But you need to listen to me, to trust me." Kael smiled, a sense of hope rising within him. Maybe, just maybe, they could mend their fractured bonds and become a pack once more. The pack's fragile peace was short- lived, as a new threat emerged from the shadows. A rival pack, led by the ruthless alpha, Vora, has been watching Kael's pack with growing internet. Vora pack was known for their brutal tactics, and his pack would be no match. One night, under the light of a full moon, Vora's pack struck. They descended upon Kael's pack like a ghostly horde, their eyes glowing in the dark. Kael rallied his pack, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. Just as all seemed lost, jax stepped forward, his eyes blazing with a fierce of determination. "I'll take care of Vora," jax growled, before charging into the fray. Keal watched in awe as jax clashed with Vora, their snarls and snaps echoing through the night. The pack's fate hung in the balance, as the two alphas fough

bled the young wolf's behavior, or had he simply recognized his potential? Kael's mind swirled with questions, but one thing was certain - he needed to find a way to balance Jax's strengths with his weaknesses. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kael made a decision. He would mentor Jax, teach him the ways of leadership and strategy. Together, they could achieve great things. But Kael knew that it wouldn't be easy. Jax's impulsiveness was ingrained, and it would take time and effort to change. The pack's fate rested on Kael's shoulders, and he was determined to ensure their survival. With Jax by his side, he felt a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they could build a brighter future together. Kael took Jax on a solo hunt, teaching him the ways of strategy and stealth. They stalked their prey, a large deer, through the forest, kael offering guidance and critique. Jax listened intently, his ears perked up and his eyes focused. He was a quick leaner, and kael saw potential in him. As they hunted, kael shared his own expe

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